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Everything posted by Martonaut

  1. nice one, my space planes dont even get to space, ;P, realy impressed
  2. alguien mas ve signons de interrogacion donde deverian de ir letras con accentos o la ñ? XD
  3. nice one Ziff, well i guess starcraft makes reference on transformers, and probably ksp too, so to be fair, if you search, Chaar, Char and Charr, you will find what you looking for, but how many more chars can sience fiction have
  4. wait what? if i remember correctly in the starcraft lore char is the zerg planet. and it looks like a lava planet. how did it get to kerbol? will it be infected by the swarm? xP … seriously if its a reference , well ok, but i think it should be diferent name so when people google char planet they get ksp and not starcraft
  5. I have a Mac with a boot camp partition, in both i have KSP, and i think they run the same. i dont feel diference between pc and mac version
  6. i been working on bulidings 2! XD but when i do large ones (like your tower) i lag like crazy, i made a smaller one, about the size the ones in your base, and landing the third was a horrible battle against lag. dont you lag like crazy with this?
  7. hohoho que se me mueve el punto, mucho tiempo jugando Minecraft , pero bueno si es 0.16 ... eso quiere decir que faltan 84 updates mas para 1.0 , aun mucho trabajo por delante pero si cada uno es asi de bueno.. GG ;D
  8. i like the idea, sounds hard to get in the ship moving that fast, but i think i want to try it anyway XD , kerbals can get realy high on the EVA pack, so the highest the altitude of the taxi the esier rigth? .. oh just one question, how do you get down?... so you would need to use only 50% of RCS on the acent and other 50% on decent?
  9. i made one similar to this (just 4 legs and no struts) and pickd a kerbal after several trys, first, if you do it while on the ship, the kerbal sometimes get launched far away from the ship, so the thing is to close the claw, and switch to the eva kerbal to hold him in position. sadly things in time warp time are not sweet, all parts have no collisions, and the kerbal scapes the claw every time. so this is geat to rescew LKO kerbals, but half way to the moon or on moon orbit, just a pain to do it al at x1 better lauch a 3 crew member capsule, leave one on kerbin and go for the rescue XD
  10. un par de 'trabajitos' y lo consigues ;P
  11. compralo antes de que suba de precio! el 1.6 esta super divertido!
  12. hi, good song, i just dont feel like it is a Theme song, thats becuse there is not realy a theme to remember, couple of good melodies here and there, but not 1 that you hear over and over , so it sticks on your head. think of other great theme songs, you can always sing the main theme. its a good tune, can fit the game, but just not like the theme song.
  13. so diferent styles here, i bet is gona be hard to give kerbal a soundtrack . i forgot about the building music, important part indeed, and like the song xD , i still fell thats the way to go for kerbals, even tho i can imagine jeb driving like a maniac with this song and a picture on the command pod to match it. maybe its just me but ill get depressd if im listening to this while the earth gets smaller. /sorry if english faild
  14. im wondering what kind of music do you people think kerbal should have? , like in what style and when would you want music?, i mean, all the time? , on launch? on landing? i kinda imagin the kerbal music in the old WB style. that may be cuz i like jazz Xd.
  15. youtube has a lot of blender tutorials, its not a user friendly sowftware tho
  16. i could also give a personal letter in name of the comunity if needed Xd
  17. wow, amazing ,i didnt spect to have so much help in so little time!, i think i got more than enough to get started, seams like i dont have to go to heavy on programing to do parts as tanks, wings, decuplers, and stuff that are in the game, dam i can even do carts cuz somebody allready made a plug in for that. i just didnt understand well something, to do animated parts, do i need to program? and blender still good for that? so i will use; blender for modeling, photoshop for textues, c+ if i wanted to do plugins, and logic pro to do audio, and this makes another question; Custom audio? do i need to do programing for this? and one last questin is .. whats the utility thing? is it needed to do parts? cuz thats only a windows program. ty again for the help. i will start the pre-production of some parts till i got all the basics to actualy import them to the game.
  18. hello, im new to KSP but i love the mods, all the custom parts, plugins, even sounds id love to make some of my own. but i havent done something like this. im not sure were to start, i know how to model on blender ¿can i use that? , what programing lenguage do i need to know to do plugins? can i do moded parts with no programing? . do i have to do it on a pc? or can i work on a mac? well im realy lost here so any help is welocme! Xd ty
  19. Ty for the warm welcome everyone! xD i download the sowftware realy fast, and if i had a problem i could go to squads HQ wich are just a few blocks away from my place
  20. i bougth the game cuz a LP2, and now ill try to make my own to 'return the favor' , LPs are 'free promotion' .. now about the legal stuff.i know there is something called 'fair use' of the content of a videogame, people that do reviews show the game to do their reviews, they profit and dont need to pay the dev. same goes for E-sports and i think LP\'s are in the same category , but im not sure. what i know is that u CAN\'T use the content of the game to do your own and then profit, i mean u cant make a 'space video' out of the content of KSP and profit, you need to say its a game and that is from squad and stuff. the real legal terms about that 'fair use' i dont know so you migth want to check it out.
  21. Hola gente! Habla el martolisco, saludos desde mexico, acabo de comprar KSP y espero poder hacer unos cuantos videitos para mi canal de youtube, si puedo grabar y jugar se los paso.
  22. Hi, i finaly got the full version of KSP, im realy exited and ready to be part of this awsome comunity. cheers from México PD. My english may fail sometimes.
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