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Posts posted by Pluto100

  1. If I am allowed to make more than one, here are a few.

    Object #: DCE-006

    Object Class: Auge

    Preventative Measures - The best thing you can do is, try to flee. There is nothing, I repeat nothing that can stop it. If a Kerbal wants to examine it,

    make sure no more than 1 Kerbal goes out and examines it. Or else bad things will happen. But, it is safer to just explore it with probes.

    Description - **NOTEBOOK BEGIN** During a mission to one of my Mun bases, we saw an odd bit of debris floating around the Mun. We decided that we had enough fuel to go look at it, so we did.

    We found out that it was an old space station. We decided to do an EVA to go explore it and see where/when it was from. When we had entered, there was still life support so we decided to take our helmets off.

    After about 10 minutes of exploring, we found and old decayed Kerbal body. We found out that his name was [DATA RETRACTED}. He was part of a mission to put a space station in orbit around the Mun. They had lost contact with it and they presumed them dead.

    We had reported to mission control, but they yelled at us and told us to leave ASAP. We were heading for the airlock when we saw a dark shadow move by us. We had reached the airlock but it was stuck. We told mission control and they said 'Good Luck. You\'ll need it.'.

    I had looked around, and {DATA RETRACTED} was gone. We heard screaming from the area where we found the dead astronaut and found {DATA RETRACTED} was murdered (And in a very gruesome way.). We saw the shadow again and decided to follow it. I had look around to see {DATA RETRACTED}, and he was holding a welding torch and was trying to kill me with it.

    I had kicked him into an escape pod and fired it at Kerbol. I am now alone in the station. Whoever finds this, please take my body back home and give it a prop--**END OF NOTEBOOK**

    Object #: DCE-007

    Object Class: Safe

    Preventative Measures - Just avoid 521,812 M around Kerbin.

    Description - Deadly levels of radiation. Nothing too serious, just avoid it or your Kerbals will mutate/die.

    Object #: DCE-008

    Object Class: Euclid

    Preventative Measures - Never enter the base, or you will die a horrible death.

    Description - There is a base on Kerbin at {DATA RETRACTED}. Many have tried to go into it, and have died from unknown causes. But awhile ago, we sent a probe into it and discovered that some robots are running a genetic modification base and experiment on Kerbals.

    Here is information about the last crew that went into it.

    Mission: {DATA RETRACTED}


    Cause of death: Multiple seizures and cardiac arrest.

    Description: They had entered the base at 12:00 AM to go and see what was in this mysterious base. He and his crew had then left 2 days later. When they had left, they had the following: Severe Coughing, Huge Rashes, Faster Heartbeat, Constant Sneezing, and they had Blurry vision.

    Object #: DCE-009

    Object Class: Ceter

    Preventative Measures - Try to knock it into Kerbol. And, do not activate it! Use robots only!

    Description - A massive laser array pointing at Kerbin. Most people have the urge to press the big red button and activate it. The laser array has enough lasers to destroy Kerbin.

  2. Ok. If this is fake, here is one then.

    Object #: DCE-456

    Object Class: Keter

    Preventative Measures - DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING AT ALL. It is extremely dangerous to even get close to it!

    Never approach it. Make sure you never orbit Kerbol at an altitude of 200,000 M. If possible, send unmanned probes only. Also, TAKE NO PHOTOS. If you look at it and think of any shade of gray, you will go insane and try to commit suicide.

    Description - The ship MSAAU KST I was doing a routine satellite launch into Kerbol orbit when the saw

    a perfectely round sphere made of an element that looked like silver. They launched a probe into it to see what it was made of.

    Then, Alan Kerman went insane and opened the airlock and jumped into the sphere. All of the sudden, the crew started to bleed.

    The cause of the bleeding was unknown. Then, the crew tried to return home. But, the sphere had somehow locked them in orbit around it.

    The crew died of starvation/asphixiation.


    It appears, the thing is made of a newly discovered element called 'Tridurman' which causes the average Kerbal to transmit pain to nearby Kerbals. It can also emit deadly levels of radiation. The reason why Alan Kerman went insane, is because Tridurman also causes insanity if you look at it and think of any shade of gray. Tridurman can also incinerate anything it comes into contact with.

    P.S Can I make more than one?

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