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Posts posted by Pluto100

  1. It\'s like a techno-orchestra, it has just enough organ(I think) to smooth out the flow between the drums and the (I assume) keyboard.

    It\'s pretty good!

    My playlist would go like this:

    The 2001: Space Odyssey theme

    Launch/ on pad

    Blue Danube


    2 Steps from Hell\'s Heart of Courage

    Moon landings (Mun/Minmus, if i do one)

    The Final Countdown


    If someone made this a playlist for me, you\'d be honored by BSP

    I will see what I can do! I\'ll try to make it!

  2. Agreement TO THE MAX.

    So many good songs. I prefer 'Turn to Stone' for the most part in KSP.

    And 'Sweet Talkin\' Woman'. (And confusion, and Last Train to London, and... Yeah, I can\'t really think of more. It\'d make this post huge.

    Woot! I like 'Mr. Blue Sky' And 'Twilight'. I have never heard of those songs! I\'ll have to look.
  3. My plan, eh?

    Step 1:

    1. Build a tiny craft. (Room for 1 kerbal.)

    2. Launch.

    3. Achieve A 500 M orbit around Kerbin.

    4. EVA for 10-20 mins.

    5. Return

    Step 2:

    1. Build a slightly overpowered craft. (Room for 3 kerbals.)

    2. Launch.

    3. Standard Mun procedures.

    4. Land.

    5. Do a 10-20 min EVA.

    6. Live on Mun forever. (I fail to return.)

    Step 3:

    1. Build an overpowered craft. (Room for 3 kerbals.)

    2. Launch.

    3. Normal Minmus procedures.

    4. Land.

    5. 10-20 min EVA.

    6. Live on Minmus forever. (Heck no! I could never return from there!)

    Step 4:

    1. Build a super overpowered craft. (Room for 1 kerbal.)

    2. Launch.

    3. Standard Mun procedures.

    4. Land.

    5. 10-20 min EVA.

    6. Head for Minmus.

    7. Standard Minmus procedures.

    8. Land.

    9. 10-20 min EVA.

    10. Head back home.

    11. Standard return procedures.

    12. Re-Enter.

    13. Land.

    Step 5:

    1. Build a rocket that can take a space station up.

    2. Launch.

    3. Get a 500,000 M orbit.

    4. Constant EVAs.

    Step 6:

    1. Build a Sun-Diver.

    2. Launch.

    3. Head for Kerbol.

    4. EVA Till Kerbol impact.

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