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Everything posted by CynicalVision

  1. If any of you aren't up to speed, the developers of Batman Arkham Knight (Rocksteady Studios) outsourced the PC port to another company (Iron Galaxy Studios), and surprise surprise they did a terrible job resulting in numerous problems with the PC version ranging from crashes, major FPS issues and other problems. So much so that the PC version has been suspended. Now, Squad are doing the exact same with the PS4 version of their game, outsourcing the job over to Flying Tiger Entertainment. This has a potential to end up the same way, this thread doesn't really have a point other than for the love of god Squad, for the sake of your repuation and your customers just make sure you personally do some quality assurance before signing your names to it.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFHteN9Cziw I hope you guys like it.
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