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Everything posted by Blatter

  1. Does this mean I can have different joystick controls for spaceplanes and rockets? It's always awkward to have to go back and swap yaw and roll controls in setting every time I want to fly something different.
  2. If you can hang on until they've implemented sub-assembly, you can then take that station apart and save it piece by piece. It'll make the final station as close to how you want it as possible.
  3. I love this idea but rendering a whole load of asteroids and rocks would seriously clock up game memory as soon as you get near it, wouldn't it?
  4. I have an old Logitech ATK3 joystick which I use to play KSP. My one problem is that I want different key bindings for both rocket and spaceplane gameplay. Flying a rocket; I usually use x-axis for yaw, y-axis for pitch and z-axis (actually just two buttons) for roll. Flying a spaceplane; I'd like to use x-axis for roll, y-axis for pitch and z-axis for yaw. It's a bother going out to my settings and changing them every time I want to switch between gameplay modes. Has anybody else experienced this situation? Could there either be: a set of separate key bindings for spaceplanes and rockets OR a faster way to access my key bindings? Thanks! Beautiful game, by the way.
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