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Everything posted by MidwestB

  1. Okay,second attempt: Kerbin orbit - 1pt Mun SOI - 2 pts Minmus SOI - 4 pts Minmus orbit - 2 pts Minmus landing - 2x Kerbal in ship - 2x returned and impacted on Kerbin - 1 pt Total: 37 pts I did get off Minmus and back to Kerbin solely by using Bob's RCS, which I would say was my 1 RCS tank of choice
  2. I got: Kerbin orbit: 1 pt Minmus SOI : 4 pts Minmus Stabilized orbit: 2 pts Mun SOI: 2 pts Kerbin escape: 3 pts Kerbal was on board: 2x Total: 24 pts (Sorry I didn't start taking screenshots until I was already at Minmus) All done with 1 Aerospike, no docking and no RCS. Could maybe get to Jool with this design, but I'd have to stabilize an orbit around it for a total of 26, otherwise it's only 24, if I'm counting those points correctly.
  3. Okay, got a chance to try again, and it's the same problem. It does NOT appear to be alignment, it's that these two lower ports don't recognize each other. There's no magnetic force between them! I put the larger picture so you can see the ports easier. You're going to need to take my word that the pair on the other side are lined up as well, sorry. I was able to press them together, but there still was no magnetic force. I've had them lined up without it, and they still didn't attach. When the front end came down, the top two ports docked just fine. I don't think the orientation of the ports themselves on the ships matter, but maybe? I don't know what's wrong. EDIT: The plot thickens, I launched another module, and have found out that the last 3 modules I've launched have all be piloted by Bob Kerman, same orange jump suit and everything. When I went to attach this latest module, I EVA'd the Bob in it and put Jeb in, and got 3 out of the 4 ports docked this time. Wonder if these duplicated Bobs are causing a problem.
  4. Yeah, I found that out with the first two modules, but two of the four ports on the third module don't seem to want to dock at all and I'm wondering if it's because of something other than the alignment
  5. Hello, this is my first time posting a thread, so hopefully I don't mess it up. I just got rendezvousing and docking down a couple weeks ago, and have spent my time making stations around Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus. Now that I've made some simple stations, I wanted to make a "floating city" type of a thing. Please excuse the *ahem* shape of it currently, I plan to have rings of modules radiating outward from all sides, but that's where this problem arises. I've done searching around the forum and wiki about multiport docking, and actually, the two modules connected to the center tower are connected by 2 ports each that both are docked. However, I wanted to test putting a module between them as a sort of corner, but that requires 4 ports to come together. When I tried it, only the top two ports, near the cupola capsule, docked while the bottom two don't seem to do anything. I undocked and came back in with the two lower port angled down so they's contact first, and they still didn't seem to recognize the others and when the top ports came down, they docked again. This caused me to rotate the module as seen in the screenshot above, so the capsule was facing the opposite direction, but the same thing appeared to happen, ruling out the ports on the station. Having just the two ports docked makes the other two appear docked because of the alignment, but they still don't grab. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has more insight on how docking ports work, maybe code-wise, that could maybe explain this. I know I could install quantum struts to stabilize it, but it would be way cooler to have everything dock properly. I'll try again when I have time, but it doesn't seem to be alignment as much as the ports not recognizing each other. I think it would be a nice feature to be able to right click 2 ports like fuel tanks and tell them to dock if they're close enough, but I don't know how hard it would be to make something like that possible. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks.
  6. Hmm, biggest fail, huh? Lots to choose from... Well, there was never being able to land on the Mun since getting the game back in 0.14. That lasted until .19 was released for some reason. Time warping into the Mun is also a candidate. There's also turning off RCS tanks on an upper stage so they don't get used up, then wonder why RCS won't work later when trying to dock and smashing into a station. I think the biggest fail of mine that comes to mind though, would be the 4th or 5th time launching a probe and not bringing any way for generating electricity. The first or second time may be understandable, but 4th and 5th is just getting ridiculous.
  7. I wanted to try making something for a flag, and chose your request. Sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted. I tried to arrange the parts to best maximize the space and wasn't entirely clear on what you wanted.
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