I used an stock part, as i am lazy, and it's just 36 line of code. as everything is as Gameobject and have it's own possision in scene. Just connecting two dots with a line and measuring distance. public class boulderFinder : Part { private double dis; private Vector3 Boulder; private Vector3 mine; private LineRenderer line = null; protected override void onPartStart() { GameObject obj = new GameObject("Line"); line = obj.AddComponent<linerenderer>(); line.SetColors(Color.red, Color.red); line.transform.parent = null; line.useWorldSpace = false; line.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive")); line.SetColors(Color.blue, Color.blue); line.SetWidth(1, 1); line.SetVertexCount(5); } protected override void onPartUpdate() { Boulder = GameObject.Find("Magic Boulder").transform.position; mine = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position; line.SetPosition(0, mine); line.SetPosition(1, Boulder); dis = Vector3.Distance(Boulder,mine); print (dis); } } </linerenderer>