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Everything posted by Whaliin

  1. Having this issue again on Duna, is there any way I can disable the effects for a specific planet to get rid of this effect? Or a specific value in the configuration I can tweak until it disappears? I would really not like to uninstall to "fix" it since it seems most other planets don't have this issue.
  2. This picture is better: http://oi45.tinypic.com/vqs405.jpg
  3. Ohh god im gonna die ajdijoawdawjkwdaw
  4. Why cant space Kraken on the moon Bop be a physics object so you could bring it back to Kerbin!
  5. Cool! It was a nice ambience music too!
  6. My second, but the coolest landing on Duna
  7. Quick remake to be a Duna landing instead XD All credit goes to you! http://tinypic.com/r/2ueqnnb/6
  8. Holy darn ****lords those look amazing
  9. Can you add swedens flag? it would be awesome if you did!
  10. Got some stuff done, heres the docking node picture, and a video about the decoupler. PIC: http://i50.tinypic.com/3517kns.png VID: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWlvEC1UMUw
  12. First you put the throttle on max, then you hold the UP button, and then when you reach the end of the runway you should be able to lift
  13. Welcome to the ULTRA series topic, here i will be showing the planes: ULTRA 5, ULTRA 6 and the ULTRA 7 First off id like to say that the blueprints for the previous ULTRA planes were lost, were sorry for that. ULTRA 5 (requires DamnedAerospace mod) ULTRA 5 underneath ULTRA 6 And Finally, the ULTRA 7, probably my best creation ( Skipped 8, because im to lazy to add it :/ ) ULTRA 9 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: Change the files name from: .txt to .craft and put it in the ships/SPH folder More to come!
  14. I swear to my kerbals live\'s this is the most fantastic thing ever
  15. ... You just made my KSP much better
  16. When i saw the condor, OHH GOD, IT LOOKS SO FREAKING AMAZING MAN!
  17. The SWAT-1 is pretty neat and weird looking but i have no idea what you will think, anyways, heres a screenshot: The SWAT-1 It has parachute brakes and it is pretty manuverable, if you replace the fuel tank at front with a structural fuselage it will become even more manuverable! (The download is attached to the topic)
  18. Oh...well..I like weird-looking designs more. >.> *wanders off to be distracted by explosions and Jeb\'s flying* Im actually posting one right now actually, (The one about Weird Looking desings) ohh, and if you are the Guard13007 from youtube, i enjoy your videos ALOT!
  19. Ohh my god... The mun arch research station looks AMAZING!
  20. Hello and welcome to my post about the NP-1456! Its capable of going around 100 KM from the KSC. Screenshots: Jebediah Kerman looking at the sun from an distant island Location of that island This is how it looks like Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/73334947/NP-1456.craft Right click and select: 'Save target as' if its not working.
  21. Hey, can you fix the download links? They isnt working very well, ohh, if you can, make a parachute with applejack\'s face on it
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