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Everything posted by Fifflethecat

  1. Yes! I\'m not the only one that watches the best viking in the world!
  2. I imagine getting to the Mun after minmus may be easier on fuel since it has a lower gravity.
  3. Just to let you know, this is the first time I have successfully landed on the Mun and returned to kerbin without breaking any parts on my ship. http://imgur.com/a/kt8Jg#1
  4. I believe the tohedrial (Or whatever the spelling is for that) engine has the same effect too.
  5. UPDATE I have successfully landed. Everybody, meet Lander I. I had a little trouble finding what altitude the ground was. If I would have had an idea of the altitude the ground was at I would have resulted in much more fuel.
  6. I try as hard as I can to get the retroburn X icon to the top of the navball and eliminate any horizontal forces but still I lose at least one leg. Also, Umbral, 4 legs didn\'t exactly work for me :
  7. They were when I was landing but I put them up again because i\'m about ready to leave the Mün.
  8. I\'ve practiced the Mün landing a bunch and I always land but not exactly in the condition I prefer. Now, this may look just fine but, I\'M MISSING A LANDER LEG. I land on the Mün at a painstakingly low speed of around 5m/s more or less. Why does this keep happening to me?
  9. I\'m relatively new to KSP and did a little research on Geosynchronous Orbits. Syncom 6 is the first Satellite in my game to be in Geosynchronous Orbit. KSP - Syncom 6 Geosynchronous Orbit
  10. Thanks. I guess it will be High Altitude Jet instead now. ^^
  11. Here is my first Jet called the HAJ2 or High Altitude Jet 2. Needless to say, HAJ1 didn\'t make the cut...HAJ2 is a simple space plane that proves to be very reliable. Suggestions on how to improve this design are appreciated. Here are some pictures of it: .Craft available for download.
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