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Everything posted by iamwearingpants

  1. Brilliant! Just made it before July too, haha! *brofists everyone on the forums*
  2. Neighborhood pair of pants reporting for duty! Next person has witnessed an explosion IRL
  3. Weegeebrah, SIGN ME UP. I\'ll be focusing on un-orthodox aircraft and spacecraft.
  4. Well that was easy Next person will be a Nationstates player!
  5. We\'ve assimilated Nooblet and Kerbalnaut, who next?
  6. Actually Weegeebrah, THIS is what youtube comments are like:
  7. On June 24th, 2011 Kerbal Space Program was released on O-F, and became a hit there. Soon after in July, a flood of members came to these forums, as the game hit the web. These pioneers include our modders-turned-devs NovaSilisko and C7Studios and the lost Sunday Punch, who created the first large modpacks. After this initial surge we continued to grow, hitting about 30,000 member this month. Meanwhile, KSP itself evolved amazingly fast. From symmetry in July, to a Mun in November, and a fully persistent world and new terrain in March, the amount of addition and revision since 0.7.3 is astounding. Take a look: A rocket in 0.7.3 (I still have an install) And one in 0.15.2 A spaceplane in ~0.8.5 with mods (Janus\' Long Wings and Gravity Bomb) And one in 0.15.2, with official parts and some mods (Jellycube\'s Weapons and Tosh\'s Hull Bicoupler) In short: Wow. Just wow. We really have an awesome game and should celebrate it today
  8. Kreuzung is a talented plugin dev, who is apparently a mirialan.
  9. Vincent, we\'re not going to kill you. http://i.imgur.com/vIbM8.png http://i.imgur.com/YsZ0x.jpg Just come and ask your questions!
  10. When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into life\'s eyes.
  11. I\'ve never had it. Woo for health!
  12. 5 million dollar suit, free of leaks? That\'s not Kerbal! flashy air-tight (and skin tight) spandex suits with a J across the chest, with a spaceman halloween costume on top? Now THAT\'S Kerbal! and ridiculous
  13. Yeah, was kind of a lot bored. So bored I also wrote an ISS parts song It all started with the node called Unity And the second one, we call tranquility Then the Z1 truss, the Leonardo multipurpose MOODDUULLEEEEEEEEEE And the quest airlock is a must And then they added Destiny And then they added Harmony ESP1 ESP2 PMA2 PMA3 JEM PM are all really tiny There are so many things to leaaaaarn lets sing them all in turn Columbus Euopean Lab sits near destiny Aaaaand JEM ELM-PS JEM RMS exposed facility Are all part of the japanese fleet We skip over to the Leonardo mulipurpose MOODDUULLEEEEEEEEEE Then there\'s the cupola, viola! That concludes the other side But the station\'s really wide So onto the next one to leaaaaarn lets sing them all in turn MBS holds the rest along with the new OBSS it\'s like a metal nest Holding a lot in plaaaace for S3 slash 4 truss segments for ELC, 1 to 4 for the s0 truss segments it\'s like a firm cement The s0 has the P1 The S3 has S5 Looking at this chart really hurts my eyes The P3 and P4 are attached to P5 then P6 with solar panels added to the mix They\'re the port and starboad arrays that you can\'t miss
  14. So it\'s 12am and I was bored. That entire night I was capturing semi-creepy images of the ancient aliens \'experts\' and posting them on skype. So, I thought \'Ooh, lets stick these all together in a collage\' So I had more genius (That is disputable, of course) and wondered if a desktop-sized version could be produced. But that\'s way too much work for my small attention span. I call upon you to fetch face pictures of all the \'experts\' and send them to me, to make the stupidest collage ever! Go forth my monkeys! Some tips if you feel like doing it: [li]Try to have as little outside as possible. It should really only be face.[/li] [li]If that expert is already in, but with a totally different face, then go ahead and add it![/li] [li]Try to keep the size of the \'experts\' about 100x100px[/li]
  15. I have a feeling this thread is going to go on for AGES. Which is a very good thing. http://qkme.me/3ppeik
  16. I don\'t even know, stuff like that just comes out late at night xD
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