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Kosmic Debris

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Everything posted by Kosmic Debris

  1. I'm having a hard time getting back "into" the forum since the data loss. In an odd twist of fate, I really just got active right after the beginning of the loss...so all of the fun stuff I had posted and responded to is gone and I'm back at like square 1. Not sure why this matters - it shouldn't. The community is as vibrant as ever, but I'm just having a hard time getting back into reading and posting. Looking forward to the virtual slapping and "get over it" comments to help me...um...get over it.
  2. Every once and a while, I bring out my "old skool" Mün rokit and just go for fun - no stinkin' nodes, no stinkin' MechJeb...just simple and fun.
  3. BTW, found part of the issue - was runing 13.3 as I hadn\'t installed from the email with the link from the store. 15.2 is MUCH better in all respects!
  4. All quite true - thanks! 8) So many different aspects - pilotage, orbital mechanics, design...all influence th outcomes.
  5. Yep, I\'m just having trouble stabilizing on a heading - I suspect my builds are just too top-heavy. Also trying to figure out when to make the turn - it seems like tip-over at about 25K is right, but I see some conflicting information. Seeing a few situations where even with a tip-over at 25K I end up losing velocity and altitude...I\'ve bailed on a few orbital attempts when things go badly wrong And...still trying to get my head wrapped around the orbital mechanics - but it\'s a fun thing.
  6. Thanks, Everyone! Having a good time figuring out rocket design - finding that I tend towards the lighter end of the spectrum; trying to do more with less. Orbit is pretty consistently achieved now, although I\'m still figuring out getting on the right heading during the gravity turn for the right plane for the Mun. Definitely not a trivial process, at least for me. Some of my designs are incredibly unstable and can\'t really be hand-flown during the first stage of powered ascent...again, at least by me I gave a shot at a cismunar today and everything cooperated but the Mun, which was stubbornly in the wrong spot. Requests to 'hurry up!' were not responded to. It\'s interesting to try to bring everything together at the same time and all aligned. Facinating that we...well, YOU...can do this 'by eye' with no FCS!
  7. Thanks, folks - and thanks for the intro tutorials. Just made my first orbit - relatively drama-free but I\'m getting there Need to check the bugs - having an issue getting control of the spacecraft sometimes switching back from the orbit view... Hoping for a cis-mun-ar flight this weekend!
  8. I stumbled on this today and made the donation - absolutely facinating! I\'m...intimidated by what folks are achieving here - very impressive! Far more than a 'game' with some of the missions! My goal is to get to the mun - I have a lot to learn. I\'ve been playing with just the basics of getting into orbit, and learning the basics of ship building. I have to admit I\'m struggling a bit, primarily with keystrokes and the UI; is there a draft manual somewhere? Looking forward to seeing folks on teh mun sometime!
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