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Everything posted by Mars90000000

  1. big rotten orange. (Send me a copy of the story! Post it on fan works too if you want!)
  2. to paddle his (No, I think we can keep Have a new fresh story. The 117 page story that was salvaged can be Book 1. And this can be Book 2! So we can start from fresh, but try to keep the story going based on whats written in the story pasted previously. Thoughts?)
  3. so Jebediah decided ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have the story compilation of the first 43 pages (lost the rest of the 150+ pages ) "There once was a kerbal named Kerby who wanted to fly to the Enterprise while he ate a 3 foot rotten cheeseburger while he drank a cold beer and went hiking on Mount Kraken which he thought was located over the top of Duna’s large anomaly, which was at the center of a large crater of the interesting red dust planet who’s gravity affected the range of its gravitational pull that managed to attract the love of their life which was called Charley the unicorn. Kerby thought his love is hideous towards Charley since he murdered orphans and are their hearts then the spleens, and cooked their brains so he could use an evil thing called Kerbal Space Mastermind, which could divide by Zero which caused the destroyed space stations to fire a giant nuclear missile at the sun at the speed of sound. Which a giant blanket of cupcakes, that ended the reign of the great Kerbin monster named Ideathief who crushed every kerbals dream of landing on Earth, an imaginary planet they believed was rocketry paradise that had a crisis of kerbal overpopulation that Cthulhu caused by eating potatoes. To get him to see the ʇxÇÂʇ uÊÂop ÇÂpısdn (upside down text). After one year, kerbin was teleported to another identical star system which had binary stars. This was unfortunate because one was exploding into a white dwarf and releasing gamma radiation in the direction of Kerbin, which fried all the rockets, but luckily the people escaped on interstellar spaceships. But the Kraken attacked, yet Jebediah bravely saved most of the morons who fly broken SSTO Fart BalloonsTM which run using Farts. Not surprisingly smelly, so airfreshners that smell like Pork N Beans are used to freshen the huge space station on Kerby’s old dictionary that is filled with explosive yo-yos that you can eat, but only when Jebediah is stranded on Duna’s analogue in the classroom on Laythe. Anyway, as the oxygen depleted because Laythe exploded because Jebediah was insanely going to the center of Layther despite it exploding. Which violates causality of the universe causing massive data streams to decompile disrupting google searched thus preventing all new KSP mods from working in countried other than England, Australia, Mars, Jool, Canada, Pineapple, and Ethiopia, which makes Canada angry causing the next country to explode creating black holes around the Enterprise. Which destroys all of Zombing’s braces making kerbal dentists panic in fear. Suddenly, kerbal kittens popped out of the organic, trimphant, and little cool exploding fueltank infazed by crazy monkeys imported from Texas by a secret evil organization from Turkistan, who ate deep space potatoes. After eating the Deep Space Kraken, they then proceeded to launch the uber missile 9001 baby shoe sale which is disguised as a secret fluffy bunny who had some explosive Russian Sock Monsters which fire x-rays at the deadly and furious Zine who retaliated by firing the solar hotdog cooker of run on sentences. Jebediah’s pet apple then decided to jump into a powered cow launcher which launched him into minmus, de-orbiting from pig-planet which turned out to be from a platypus head floating in space in orbit around the giant celestial newfoundland dog. Despite the fact that it was very heavy and ugly. It was loved and it was very, very, very repetitive in its endeavours. However, a trash can stopped by and it broke the love of the queen who then destroyed someone’s butt for eating the honey that had melted in a microwave that shoots lasers to heat your meat grinding chicken imported from a galaxy far far away, so the captain of the enterprise said that the eye of the tiger would rise up to the Fight and the Challenge of our rival Kerbal and the last known survivor stalks John Madden, an imperial commander who could not survive the falling debris that rained down from the sky because a ship started to experience thousands of g-forces of wibbly-wobbly bendy rockets that exploded. So he inadvertently managed to sing a song about the ceiling. Meanwhile, on Laythe, Jebediah went swimming to relieve himself from the gravity of the situation of his re-entering heat effect being so hot he almost exploded with joy, but pineapples were not ripe. Instead, everything burst into celery and it all ended with vegetables destroying other vegetables, which at first seemed harmless, but then stabbed the carrots with a giant knife-shaped apple. Jebediah felt the sharp stab of betrayal penetrate through his left thumb. While on Moho, Bill sent a Christmas gift for Kirberry Kerman, the imp sister of the space Kracken which later on acknowledged that he met space Cthulhu in a station made of chocolate easter bunnies. Meanwhile, Kerby decided to call Jebediah to negotiate a treaty that would determine whether or not he could pee on a monolith to investigate the explosive powers of some black paint they thought could resist the power of temptation. However, Bill decided to paint it orange but it tasted like old lemons stuck on Eve. Despite looking like mashed potatoes, the invisible spoons of planet called Mars that looked so white that it blinded several important sensors of the martian probe that was about to collide with the universe yet it wasn’t able to because the cat destroyed the cable of data link. Kerby couldn’t call his mother, so he went to New York city to see Big Ben, even though he hated clocks. On Layther, Jebediah continued to re-enter the burning building that wasn’t burning CDs, but actually Jebediah was dreaming, so he got very, very angry and proceeded to make orange juice but the cat pulled out a super duper blaster that shoots feces heated to 200,000 oF, so he put on pants to do Gangnam style but his hips burst into flames while he was eating an oversized split banana that emits gamma rays while singing the national anthem of Canada. Charley felt offended because he couldn’t remember tha coordinates of Bob Furniture Store in that place over the rainbow in Narnia, Australia, Australia, southerns hemisphere, Earth, inner solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo supercluster, known universe, all possible universes. “WAIT!â€Â, said Kerby, “Did I miss my spotted shirt?â€Â. Immediately, Kerby was filled with horror his computer, preventing him from playing Human Space Program, a very safe space program with death every where. The monolight experiment went terribly wrong from the start because of absence of oxygen in their objects. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the cat riding an invisible bicycle, crashed on Eeloo creating a crater (vaguely cat shaped) the size of a crater. Kerby, spotting his shirt wearing pants, decided “space suite = trendyâ€Â. He was jealous at Jebediah, obviously, because of his amazing sense of smell for burning cats and dogs when the weather is cats and dogs falling like snow. After the largest asteroid had passed through the halls of the dead, it went explode because the asteroid was U-238 and nuclear physics is a lie told by the U.S. to deceive a team of highly skilled terrorists whi were looking for Kerbal master mind “Rudolphâ€Â. Suddenly, ghosts! They hijack cats and giraffes around the globe. However, Kerby and Jebediah farted causing mass extinction of all butterflies and all potatoes in Brazil, which was is potato. Back on Kerbin, Wernher Von Kerman, who created the high-potention locomotive, decided to fly to Eve because Eve is round and its atmosphere is as thick as your skull when it is discussing religious matters. Anyway, Bill’s lamp failed to illuminate Jebediah’s office when Laythe eclipsed with a space station around Jooltopia, which was badly damaged by a large deathstar constructed by kerbals from LolLaythe. Charley felt disliked…. "
  4. 1 I'm not so famous anymore only 45 posts
  5. Well... It brought me down to 45 posts, but didn't delete my account... I guess it could have been worse...
  6. War Invisibility or Ability to Read Minds?
  7. With more planets to discover and more still to come with the next KSP update, and with these planets being further and further away from kerbin, It is required to efficiently be able to carry the most fuel into space. The Challenge: Carry as many fuel tanks as possible into a stable circular 500 km Kerbin orbit. These tanks should not be connected to any engine used during the ascent stage and should be full. Make the most efficient launch and ascent stages. Once in 500 km orbit, decouple launch and/or ascent stage, and only have an interplanetary stage (i.e, 1 or 2 engines, and as many tanks as possible connected using fuel lines to the interplanetary stage engines, you shouldn't actually have to use that stage for this challenge so all tanks should be full). Whoever can get the most fuel into orbit, wins! Use stock parts only!
  8. I can foresee me having a lot of fun with it in the near future
  9. It stills needs some tweeks to roll properly. I'm working on that the current model is just to be circular and sturdy, so i can use it as a base to make the wheel no less than EPIC.
  10. Oh the temptation... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  11. http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net/kerbal-space-program-mods Second on the list: LFE G1
  12. I didn't actually use mechjeb for this, not for other landings, it's there because i was practicing how to rendezvous in orbit and used mechjeb for that. This whole mission though was from pad to mun w/o mech jeb. It works well with stock engines too, I'll put pics of stock parts with no mechjeb.
  13. Time for important research on mun aboard a rover with a Disco lander
  14. Like i said, the rocket works with stock engine as well, and there is enough fuel. I'm in the process of remaking that ship with stock parts except the rover. Using that ship, i was able to slingshot close to the sun (apoapsis < 1000 KM) and reach a velocity higher than 100 000 m/s
  15. I've been able to get kerbals on other bodies quite simply, and got good at landing. But then, to explore the planet, it would become time consuming to run around the surface. I had to get a rover up there. DEMV rover looked fun and had a good crew capacity, But how do I bring it? It had to land efficiently and properly on any body (with or without atmosphere). And I finally got it to work! =D I had to use the DEMV rover mod (obviously), and i also used the HKM LFE G1 mod for the engines. I used those engines primarily for low fuel consumption, but i realized i have enough fuel on board to use stock engine that has a similar thrust. I also used the aviation lights mod to give it a retro-look The first stage is the orbital stage. It has enough fuel to get into kerbin orbit. Hoffman transfer to another planet's orbit (i can get to Jool's inner moon Laythe's orbit using the first stage only). The stage separates and you have your lander stage with the rover attached at the bottom. If the planet has no atmosphere, you open your lander legs and land the ship directly to the surface. then decouple the rover. Or if there is an atmosphere, you can decouple the rover while you're in space, and the rover's parachutes will open and bring it safely to the surface while you land. There is enough fuel to bring the ship back to kerbin. but i'm not using any docking mods so the rover will have to stay. Here's some pictures! =D
  16. You can still slow down enough for parachutes to work, I've encountered that situation many times where i set my course of landing and... run out of fuel, and just hope i break enough. If you wait long enough (below 2km, or even below 1km) before opening the parachute (besides, they don't open until below 500m anyways), they work.
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