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Everything posted by fx1

  1. Nice, I really like the style of the thruster where the nozzles are pointed outwards.
  2. Thanks for the update, it works very well with rockets now.
  3. excellent! Also, I have seen the issue the last gent posted about. I\'ll see if I can reproduce it, it has happened to me twice but I wasn\'t paying too much attention.
  4. Good to hear, hopefully they will address this issue in the next patch. I do have one more question, how is temperature determined? Is it a built in engine feature or are you extrapolating it from atmospheric data or what have you?
  5. Sorry, should of provided more information. It doesn\'t matter what craft, all I did was make a rocket with the new launch decouplers and at various altitudes in the atmosphere they would reappear. I can still send the craft file if you wish, even the default parts with the laser system does this. My plugins are: cart ISA_Mapsat MuMechlib PowerTech and your plugin. I\'ll try removing certain plugins and seeing if that fixes the problem. Simply removing the laser parts will stop this phenomena from occurring
  6. Thanks for the awesome plugin, however at certain altitudes on any launch the launch decouplers will respawn in air and smash into the rocket. Any ideas what might be causing this?
  7. awesome, can you make a 1 seat version as well? this is very useful.
  8. Here is a station I built, It\'s not the largest but it features 2 docking ports, plenty of RCS fuel, two batteries, an ion engine, pressurized storage, a large crew compartment and a small station module. It weighs around 30 tonnes and is designed for inter-planetary travel.. Here is the launch vehicle: on the moon and in orbit with a crew vehicle. The actual station is unmanned.. when docking is possible in KSP I plan to have a lander and a crew module dock with the station. The station is capable of reaching escape velocity, and from there it just needs to accelerate for an hour or two to reach trans-planetary velocities. sorry about the image size, I\'m not sure how to down scale it using the forum settings.
  9. Thank you for your work on the pack, I use it all the time. Are those rails for EVA? not that you could use them.
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