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Everything posted by liquidmoose

  1. Hey! Nice exploring of all a game has to offer there Why don't you try looking for bugs... try to see if you can break things and then test how it breaks and write it up. I am sure you will end up getting a lot of praise
  2. Tehe you told him about editing posts in a double post, you make me giggle! @Warguy125 - Dear sweet mother of [insert deity here]! That thing is HUGE. Good work mate.
  3. Has the dragon fly been release at all. Or is it still under construction....?
  4. Hiya, First off wicked Mod! I love the models and the strap-on fuel, RCS and batteries. Very cool touch. Best part is you can fire them off using decouplers and make mini-rockets Now correct me if I have missed something but I think I have found a bug. When warping higher than 1x with the ion engine on the thrust seems to cut out. Not sure if your still using fuel (electricity) but your altitude doesn\'t seem to increase! Sorry if this is a bug to do with something out of your control e.g. with one of the Pluggins use.... just not noticed it before on any mod using them. Hope this helps Keep up the good work! PS- to the other people mentioning that your not getting any thrust of the the ion engines.... is this your problem!?
  5. been playing around with this challenge last night. When I get back from the orafice I will post my contraption
  6. Very... circus like. Now you just need a big top for a parachute and your sorted ;P
  7. Hi All, First post and been playing for about a month. Loving the community, the game and can\'t wait to see what level of depth this game is going to go into! So... my question: After a lot (a bit) of looking on the forums and internet for some way of having both the VTOL and Main Engine active at the same time but controllable on a separate throttle I have turned up nothing. Is there hope? So I turn to you fellow kerbanauts for suggestions, advice ...or to just move this post into the suggested features for KSP (tehe) Thanks in advance, Liquidmoose out...
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