MECHJEB REQUIRED! The Space Station Prometheus is not fully stock(mechjeb needed) Image: http://www./view/?kxk7i0z83qq6r35# Image 2: http://www./view/?j23g2e731zdba69# Features: +Cool look +Docking arm +Enought fuel to orbit +Can be added DYJ Crew Tank(I love this mod :3). -Need mechjeb -Hard to dock Comlete Prometheus Pack Include:.craft,persistence,MechJeb(Only download link). Complete Prometheus pack: http://www./?48vlpfpm52vks27
Next update will be soon,and i you know, there will be more planets.And the is one big problem,how to get to one from this planets?VD Industries present you the new series of rockets starting with the EIR I to the EIR X! EIR I Coming soon.