Ya don\'t say? Role-play for a second, realistically, what would it\'s purpose have been? To take pictures of Kerbin, communication satellite, space station, so on and so forth...
Possibly, but imo names for crafts need to be more meaningful. You wouldn\'t see NASA naming a shuttle Billy Bob Joe... So it\'s an orbiter, what will it be doing in orbit?
Squad should put that on a shirt and sell it. Maybe other ksp themed shirts, they would be really popular with the current community with what i\'ve seen...
A craft orbiting Kerbol at kerbin\'s orbit, but just a bit ahead of kerbin, maybe one behind kerbin as well. Oh and to get rid of the rest of your life you can try doing that to the moons aswell. Good luck...
This is undoubtedly the best build-your-own-ship flight simulator out there! And the fact that it\'s an indie game in alpha, makes that tittle even more impressive. I can\'t wait to see what the awesome developers at Squad will implement by the time it\'s fully released.