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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. Yeah, that could be problematic But I doubt Squad will add new giants anytime soon, they are clearly focused on getting more copies of KSP sold which means multiplayer and other casual-friendly stuff than new planets - I don't even think we'll get biomes of every celestial body done during this year. Anyways, firstly I have to finish the Grand Tour
  2. When I planned the Grand Tour I decided that I won't use any parts with edited cfg, only vanilla and mods so that anyone could recreate the spacecraft and use them. That's the reason for which I didn't use for instance asteroids mod by frizzank - I wanted "Proteus" to go where everyone can go in their own game. Now using Planetfactory would be indeed awesome (more planets! more muns!) but it would make the whole story non-canon from the point of view of the vanilla KSP, if you catch my drift. So I'm not sure whether I would use Planetfactory at all - it's one thing changing textures but adding new planets is something else entirely. Right now I want to concentrate on the Grand Tour; even when I finish it, there's still Space Race (which was much more ambitious in my plans than what you currently can see - I wanted to make a story spanning from first Kerbal satellite to "Kadmos" mission which would automatically include stuff like cold war, decolonization and other interesting things in Kerbalverse). But there's still my secret project, as silentdragon pointed out
  3. I think we have another Christianity Is Catholicism trope mutation here I don't think we would contact any alien life in the next few centuries (unless they are Sufficiently Advanced Aliens and have FTL) and even if so, I would expect them to be alien. Really alien. Like, Starfish Aliens alien; think more of "Solaris" than pathetic Rubber-Forhead Aliens from "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" or other fantasy franchise. Anyways, Fermi paradox remains a paradox and I doubt any of us can change this. We just don't have enough data and pure speculation leads to nowhere.
  4. Source: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2014/01/responses-challenger/
  5. Okay, thank you very much for sharing your opinions folks. I think I've chosen the gizmo.
  6. ATTENTION Leucome engines (the ones used by "Proteus") are now officialy updated to 0.23! They are avaible here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67869-23-Bengsch-Industries-Parts-%28Leucome-Fusion-Engines%29 And all of that thanks to Bengsch85
  7. I'm thinking about buying one of those and I'm wondering which one would be better. What I need it for is mostly reading and/or writing plus using the Internet. If anyone could share his opinion I would be grateful. Thanks!
  8. Well, all I can say about this is: no comment. Or :dun dun dun:, if you will Yup, everything is on the table - I have some general idea what I would like to see but maybe the game will surprise me Thank you very much, MetalTrout! Next chapter is coming - expect it on the beginning of the next week.
  9. I'm not a citizen of the USA but from my point of view, for your politicians and lobbyists NASA exists primarily to spend, so that the federal money flows to the right pockets (big aerospace companies and through them to the people who are going to elect their Senators). That's the whole deal - no matter what NASA is doing, it has to spend to keep alive the hi-tech industry. I think we can safely say that this whole Space Race thing was just a one-off show motivated purely by politics. I doubt anyone who's in charge cares or wants to go to Mars or to the asteroids. That's why there is SLS, a giant rocket without any payload or goal. The spice must flow! Or maybe I'm just reading too much Baxter and nasawatch.com lately.
  10. Asteroid mission is a desparate attempt to find some use for the SLS. Science community doesn't want it and politicians doesn't want it. Plus there is no money for developing the needed hardware. And of course there really isn't much point - you can send a probe there much cheaper (Rosetta, anyone? Dawn?). It's probably not going to happen.
  11. 1. I'm currently in chapter 58 in game so slightly ahead of the story published here, more or less. 2. Wat.
  12. So all of a sudden KSP devs are awesome but Squad turns into EA?
  13. By short I mean in this particular situation - you are correct of course, Jeb have serious psychological issues for a quite long time by now. I have a general idea but I have to polish it (no pun intended) and ask moderators whether it would be okay (after all I would like to give a real prize to the winner), than I'll tell you. But basically the contest will be in finding tropes Yes, be afraid, be very afraid and Kod forbid you from searching the TV Tropes for your favorite franchise - you will spend hours there. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  14. Is there a loading bar on this screen? So Kerbals play KSP? KERBCEPTION!
  15. Be careful, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (and Your Grammar too)! Hell, maybe I should do some Troping Tropes Contest for the Grand Tour? And I even have a decent prize I think Edit: Seriously, that's not a bad idea. Would anyone be interested in something like this (The Grand Tour Troping Tropes Contest)?
  16. That was quick Yes, it was BSOD however a very short one. Here's the promised screenshot:
  17. Translation from the official Yutu blog made by Reddit user xuanyou:
  18. Thank you Yup. Who knows? Only time will tell Thanks but I'm afraid the next chapter won't show up during this week. Yeah, I hate winter Sorry to horrify you! And hey, danny2462 released new video recently from Asassin's Creed and it's hilarious - I advise you to watch it to overcome the trauma It depends on what exactly you want to write :> Wow Director Smith, now that was dark. Recurring theme in this story (which I hope is showed good enough) is that space exploration may be done but for a price. I don't think however that going full grimdark like in your version would be a good idea AWESOME! Thank you very much, Jedi Master! Now I only need my own page on TV Tropes and than - the world! There was a successful EVA rescue actually, in chapter 3: :dun dun dun: Oh, he did get emotional, probably even more than Ned. When you consider what he's been through lately his reaction should be understandable. BTW, if someone guesses which trope applies to this particular situation (Jeb's reaction to what happened to Neil) I'll post sneak-peak screenshot from the next chapter! And that's what I call Foreshadowing! I'm really glad that you don't know where the story is going. I really am - this means that I managed to escape from cliches and predictability, which is kinda a big thing for my first story Yes, team Bravo run out of luck completely. And Sid's situation will be explored in the next chapter. Considering Neil head was inside the helmet after he threw up and that the helmet was filled with... not air, it was not the radiation which killed him. He just drowned. And unlike in vanilla KSP, in my story - which was stated few times I think - before you go EVA you actually have to depressurize the airlock and get into the suit, which takes time. So by the time Ned gets there... yeah. Now that could be just me being cruel (I'm kidding - of course I'm not; I'm not, right?) but what's REALLY terrifying is that it ALMOST HAPPENED in real life: http://youtu.be/xuYSNjten5Q I think it isn't - this was a great mod however, so if you manage to make them DRE compatible let me know, I may find use for them in my secret project
  19. CHAPTER 56 RENDEZ-VOUS: LAV *** JEB: Ned? NED: Core Alfa is nominal, core Beta is slightly abnormal. How long? JEB: Five. NED: No problem. JEB: Good. Two. One. Done. NED: I'm slowing down the fusion. Efficiency at 11%. How long before the braking? JEB: Four minutes thirty six seconds. NED: It'll do. Jeb? JEB: We won't use RCS. NED: You know that forcing them to EVA is- JEB: Is less dangerous than docking. Maybe if we still have robotic arms. But we don't. And without... no, I won't do this. NED: The radiation fried our sensors in mere hours. And they already did one EVA here in orbit. JEB: It's better than crashing both spacecraft into each other. There's no alternative. They will spacewalk. NED: Jeb? JEB: What? NED: Maybe you shouldn't have done it. JEB: … JEB: LAV, this ### “Proteusâ€Â. LAV, do you copy? ROZER: … JEB: LAV, do you copy? NED: Sid! Are you there? ROZER: …uhh… EMU: EVA Two. Oxium level – 75,25%. Suit temperature – 20 °C. External temperature – UNKNOWN. External pressure – 0 atm. JEB: Rozer, Sid, can you hear me? This is “Proteusâ€Â, we've come to get you out of here. LAV, do you copy? ROZER: :coughs up blood: Frak... EMU: WARNING. DANGEROUSLY HIGH LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. 17,139 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. NED: Maybe their comms have ### damaged by the radiation? JEB: It's possible. LAV, do you copy? NED: Frak this, I'm going for an EVA! JEB: You're not going anywhere unless- ROZER: “Proteusâ€Â? :coughs up blood: “Proteusâ€Â, do you copy? NED: It's them! JEB: We copy. Listen, we're unable to perform docking operation, so you are going to do spacewalk to the ship as soon as possible. ROZER: What? JEB: What's ### condition? ROZER: I must've passed out. I think I have several broken ribs. :coughs up blood: Isn't there any other way? I don't think I can- JEB: You have to. It's only 200 meters, you can do it. NED: What about Sid? Is ### alright? ROZER: … NED: Is he alright?! ROZER: He's... he's going to be fine for the next few hours... but we're running low on consumables. His radio is broken though. JEB: Understood. Do you have enough ###propellant? ROZER: Yes, it should be enough. And we have the samples. :coughs: Listen- JEB: We'll talk ### both of you are safe on board the ship. Doctor Cambo has ### the infirmary for you and Johndon and Neilgas are in the spacesuit waiting for you in the ### airlock. The sooner you get here the better. Do ### copy? ROZER: … JEB: Do you copy? ROZER: Yes. We copy. http://youtu.be/IDMzsK3ROo0 *** ROZER: Ugh! Hatch opened. EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. ROZER: I'm out. EMU: 1526,295 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. NED: 1,5 sievert per ###? Good Kod... ROZER: :coughs: EMU operational. EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 20 MINUTES. ROZER: EMU operational. We're off the structure. JEB: Very good, now keep it cool and ###, you don't want to approach us too quickly. Ned, ### you have a visual on them? NED: Negative, it's too dark. I don't even see the LAV. ROZER: Copy that. EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. ROZER: 150 meters. JEB: Are you on course? ROZER: Yes. EMU: 1526,439 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. JEB: Just ### it easy, don't try to quicken it - with this speed you'll be there in a minute or so. ROZER: I know how - :coughs: - how to do it. NED: Johnny, Neil - are you ready? NEILGAS: Yes, ### ready. We're at the airlock. EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 20 MINUTES. NED: Prepare to open the hatch, they are almost there. JOHNDON: Roger. ROZER: What the- JEB: It's just a sunrise, carry on. You're close. ROZER: 30 meters. :coughs: We're – oh crap... NED: What's going on?! JEB: Talk to me Rozer. ROZER: It's just a nosebleed. But... I'm feeling quite nauseous... EMU: CRITICAL ALERT. LETHAL LEVEL OF RADIATION DETECTED. PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. NED: Radiation. Frak! JEB: You are almost ###, don't give up now. ROZER: I don't... I don't think... NED: Johndon, open the hatch! Tell Sid to ### you, you need just a small push and you're in! JOHNDON: C-copy that! JEB: He can't, Sid's radio is dead. EMU: 1526,439 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. CRITICAL ALERT. NEILGAS: Hatch ###! Damn, radiation readings are- ROZER: Uh... JEB: Stay inside! Rozer, can you hear me? You need to- JOHNDON: He's in! And he has the s-samples with him! NED: Screw the samples! Is Sid inside? EMU: WARNING. ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IMMINENT. IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WILL OCCUR IN 19 MINUTES. JOHNDON: He p-passed out! NED: What ### Sid? Is he inside?! NEILGAS: He's... he's... NED: Is he?! *** NED: Let me go! NEILGAS: Uh! JOHNDON: Ned, w-what are you d-doing?! NED: I said LET ME GO! NEILGAS: You've heard the doctor, nobody-uhh! JOHNDON: Ned, calm d-down! NED: Calm down?! I'LL RIP OUT HIS FRAKING LUNGS! JEB: Ned! What the hell is going on here?! NEILGAS: He's trying to get into the infirmary! JOHNDON: He w-wants to- umph! NED: Move away! Doc, can you hear me?! Open the fraking hatch! JEB: You can't go in there, he's trying to save him! NED: He won't save him from me! Doc! OPEN THE HATCH! CAMBO: Ned, I'm trying to stabilize him and you are not- NED: Don't talk to me through the intercom! NEILGAS: Umph! NED: I said open up! CAMBO: I can't let you harm my patient. NED: Very well, I won't harm him, I'll just throw him out of the FRAKING AIRLOCK! JEB: Good Kod, Ned, are you crazy?! NED: CRAZY?! HE KILLED SID! HE'S A FRAKING MURDERER AND YOU THINK I'M CRAZY!?! JOHNDON: He's not d-dead, we can- NED: We can't do ****, no spacecraft we have can survive the fraking atmospheric entry! JEB: Ned- NED: Stay away from me! He murdered Sid! HE FRAKING KILLED HIM! CAMBO: Jeb, I'll probably have to operate, I'm going to need some gravity. JEB: Understood. NED: You are going to help him survive? OVER MY DEAD BODY! NEILGAS: Try to calm down! JEB: Listen Ned, you have to- what the hell?! NEILGAS: Damn it! JOHNDON: Was this hull v-vibrating? PROTEUS: WARNING. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTED IN HABITATION MODULE B. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR OXIUM MASKS. NEILGAS: Oh frak! JEB: Quick, get the fire extinguishers! JOHNDON: I'm o-on it! JEB: Doctor, you'll have to wait a little before we spin up the ship, we've got a situation here! What the hell could've cause this?! NED: Short circuit. Radiation could've damaged the software, “Proteus†wasn't supposed to even be in Laythe's orbit! JEB: We've have to get the hell out of here! NEILGAS: We'll take care of the fire! JEB: Okay! Ned, come on, I need you to get the engines- Ned? NED: … PROTEUS: WARNING. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTED IN HABITATION MODULE B. PLEASE PUT ON YOUR OXIUM MASKS. JEB: Good Kod, Ned, there's no time! We can get another malfunction at any time! NED: If we leave, he's going to die. JEB: No, he won't, he still can use the supplies from the lander. NED: … JEB: Kod dammit Ned, you think you're the only one who cares about him?! We were on “Kadmos†together but if we don't leave now we may all die! We'll find a solution when we're safe – come on! *** JEB: RCS go, SAS go, burn in T minus 30 seconds – how are we looking with the fusion cores? Ned? NED: They're gonna work. JEB: Neil, Johnny, what's the situation? JOHNDON: We're g-good, the fire didn't have t-time to spread. JEB: Great – prepare for the burn, T minus 19 seconds. Doc? CAMBO: I'm ready. NED: When we're out of here, you're going to let me talk with him. Do you understand? JEB: Ned, for the love of Kod- NED: You're going to let me. JEB: T minus 5. Four. Three. Two. One. Ignition. JEB: What the hell?! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. LOWERING FUSION EFFICIENCY TO 5 PERCENT. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. JOHNDON: We've lost the lights! NEILGAS: And now the emergency lights are on – what's going on up there?! JEB: Come to the command module now! Ned? NED: I don't know. The engines demanded more power from the cores which they could provide on this level of efficiency - “Proteus†must have automatically shut down them down to prevent instability. Frak, the radiation must've damaged the software again! JEB: Than do something about this! NED: I can't! Managing the emergency systems was BERTY's job, they are too sophisticated for a kerbal to operate them! JEB: But there must be something we can do! NED: Let me think, let me think... NEILGAS: What's going on? JEB: Where's Johndon? NEILGAS: He's helping the doctor. We aren't leaving? JEB: We have a problem. But Ned is- NED: I got it! There was a possibility to manually override the automatic emergency system, built in case the BERTY was for some reason unable to control them and there was a serious risk of chain reaction. JEB: So? NED: The explosion would create EMP strong enough to fry all electronic devices on half of the planet. So to prevent it from happening the crew chief engineer was supposed to channel the plasma through the engines thus ejecting the “Proteus†from the Kerbin orbit. JEB: What? I didn't know about this! NED: You don't? NEILGAS: But if we use this, the fusion cores would be dead, right? NED: No, they are nominal, the shut down is the result of the single-event upset probably. They'll work fine but if we want to use these engines we must override manually. What do you mean you don't know? They didn't tell you? JEB: They didn't. What are you waiting for than? Just do this! NED: Manual override requires direct access to the engines. NEILGAS: You mean... EVA? NED: … NEILGAS: … JEB: How... how long would it take? NED: Unscrewing the panels, checking whether the manual control is operational, switching to emergency mode... 10 minutes per engine. If you know what you to do. NEILGAS: 20 minutes? NED: More – you need to get out there and come back. JEB: “Proteusâ€Â, give me the radiation readings. PROTEUS: 1526,879 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. JEB: That's 750 milisieverts in 30 minutes. And the lethal dose is- NED: One sievert. And we've been in deep space for months, we already – where are you going? JEB: You'll tell me what to do through the radio, I have the most experience in EVA from all of you. NED: Are you insane?! This is suicide! JEB: We don't have a choice. Neilgas, help me with the- NED: You are not going anywhere! You're the last pilot we have! JEB: There is Rozer and Danrey. NED: Dan will meet with us in Vall orbit and if you think I'll let that piece of **** to even leave the infirmary- JEB: Ned, let me go. NED: YOU ARE NOT GOING! I can't let you, do you understand? I WON'T LET YOU! Plus you even don't know what to do – what if the radiation damages the spacesuit comms? JEB: Ned- NED: Shut the frak up! I'm going. JEB: Ned! We need you to operate the fusion cores, you can't go! NED: I said I'm going! We need you too to pilot the spacecraft, don't we? JEB: Good Kod, Ned! You can't go! NED: Well maybe I won't have to if you didn't DEACTIVATE THE FRAKING AI! JEB: … NED: Jeb, listen- NEILGAS: I'll go. NED: What? JEB: Neil- NEILGAS: Shut up, both of you. You are too important for us to afford to lose you. NED: Too important? You're our life support system expert! NEILGAS: If we don't get out of here it won't matter. Look, I've lost a friend too. NED: HE'S NOT DEAD YET! NEILGAS: I know what you feel – and I know it's just too much to handle so quickly. I mean, you're not even thinking clearly right now. Please, let me do this. JEB: Neil, I can't- NEILGAS: I spend the least time on EVA from all of you. I received the smallest dose of radiation during the mission. Someone has to get out there and I have the best chance to do it. JEB: … NED: For the love of Kod, Neil... NEILGAS: Let me do this, Jeb. Let me do this. Please. http://youtu.be/qihgTu3SmUI *** JEB: Are you ready? NED: Yes. Tell me when you're there, I'll use the video feed from your EVA cam to guide you. JEB: One minute, Neil – you need to hurry. NEILGAS: Copy that. NED: Jeb, this is suicide. He- JEB: He's right. He's the only one who can make it. NED: No, he's not. You are rationalizing this – we have more experience than he has in extravehicular activity. JEB: And this mean we've got much more radiation than he. He will survive this, trust me. NEILGAS: I'm at the ### engine. JEB: Repeat please, we're getting some interference here. NEILGAS: I'm at the first engine. NED: Can you give me the- okay, I have the feed. JEB: Two minutes. NEILGAS: I'm ready Ned, tell me what to do. NED: Okay, first thing you need to do is to remove the panel. Unscrew it but be gentle. Than you'll have access to the motherboards. NEILGAS: Roger that. *** JEB: Sixteen minutes. Neil, are you alright? NEILGAS: :breathing: I feel a little dizzy but besides this ### fine. I'm at the second engine. NED: It's gonna be the same like the previous one, Neil. Don't be nervous, just do it nice and easy. Move slightly to your right. NEILGAS: ### that. Could you ### me the radiation level? :breathing: My spacesuit's dosimeter turned completely black. JEB: One second. PROTEUS: 1815,146 MILISIVERTS PER HOUR. JEB: What the- NED: That's enough. Now unscrew the first panel. JEB: Neil, you're getting 1,8 sievert per hour right now. NEILGAS: Frak! It was 1,5 sievert few ###es ago! JEB: Hey, listen to me, try to stay calm, okay? Your pulse- NED: Just concentrate on the job, okay? You're gonna do the job and than you'll be back in no time. Come on, buddy. NEILGAS: Okay. :breathing: Okay. I'm cool. I'm ###. I'm going to unscrew the first- crap! JEB: It's just a sunset, Neil, just a sunset. Seventeen. Can you see with the spacesuit lights? NEILGAS: Yeah, I'm fine. :breathing: Okay, unscrewing the first panel. *** NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: How about now? PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. NED: Nothing. Frak! Try again. JEB: Twenty six minutes. Good Kod, he has to get out of there. NEILGAS: Uh! :heavy breathing: And ### about now? PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. ALL SYSTEMS SWITCHED INTO EMERGENCY MODE. NED: Still nothing. I don't understand this, the last switch is in the right position – why doesn't it work?! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Maybe it's fried too? :heavy breathing: Huh? Can it ### fried? JEB: Twenty seven minutes. Neil, in three minutes you're going back, do you copy? NED: Three minutes? It's not enough time for me to find the cause of- JEB: Think quicker. Neil, describe how are you feeling. Neil? NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Well, I ### a headache and I sweat like crazy. I think my vision is blurry but it may ### just the helmet. :heavy breathing: And I feel really nauseous. :heavy breathing: But besides that ### fine. JEB: Ned? NED: I don't know! These are thermonuclear reactors, not a fraking car! JEB: He can't be there any longer. NED: Dammit, I need more time! JEB: We don't have it! What he's supposed to do, Ned? NED: I DON'T KNOW! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Guys? I feel like I ### up, can you please hurry? JEB: Twenty eight minutes! Koddamit, Ned! NED: What do you want me to tell him?! To hit it with a wrench like in a fraking Apollo?! There is confined plasma under the hull!! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: What? ###, repeat? JEB: I don't care, he can kick it if it works! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Copy that. NED: What?! No! Neil, don't even think about- PROTEUS: ATTENTION. MANUAL OVERRIDE OF THE AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUT DOWN CONFIRMED. SWITCHING ALL SYSTEMS INTO THE MAIN OPERATIONAL MODE. JEB: … NED: Frak me… NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: I ### it like you said, did it ###? JEB: It's working! We've got the engines back! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A DETECTED. NED: I'm on it! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Is ### wrong? JEB: Neil, you've done your job, now get the frak out of there. Do you hear me? Get the frak out of there! NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Copy that. JEB: Ned? NED: I'm good, just don't distract me. JEB: Doctor, we've got the engines back – you'll get the gravity as soon as we perform the transfer burn. CAMBO: Understood. JEB: Do you still need Johndon? I want him to help Neil in the airlock in case- NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: Oh frak... JEB: Neil, what is it? Neil? NEILGAS: :heavy breathing: I think I'm gonna ### up... I can't... ugh... CAMBO: What's going on out there? JEB: Neil, repeat. What's the- NEILGAS: Blargh! JEB: Oh my Kod, he's throwing up! Neil! NEILGAS: :vomits: NED: What the hell?! JEB: Neil, hold your breath! CAMBO: What did you say? Is he vomiting?! JEB: Neil, do you copy?! NEILGAS: :chokes: JEB: Neil! Hold your breath, do you hear me?! NEILGAS: :chokes: NED: No! PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A DETECTED. JEB: Neil, do you copy?! Neil! NEILGAS: ... NED: Oh Kod, no! JEB: Neil... CAMBO: Good Lord... NED: Neil! Answer to me, you motherfraker! NEILGAS: ... NED: Neil! JEB: … NED: Koddamn you, Neil! Answer me! JEB: … NED: NEIL! JEB: … NED: I'm going out to get him. PROTEUS: WARNING. INSTABILITY IN FUSION CORE A AND B DETECTED. JEB: No. NED: We may still save him! JEB: … NED: For frak's sake, he's one of us! We can't just leave him! I won't leave him, do you hear me?! JEB: Don't. NED: What do you mean don't?! He's out there Jeb, we can still figure out something! CAMBO: Ned, I'm afraid- NED: Shut the frak up! You can still figure out something Jeb, you always figure out something! JEB: … NED: :weeps: Don't you dare give up on him now, Jeb! You hear me? DON'T YOU DARE! JEB: … NED: :weeps: You can't just leave him! Not you! JEB: … NED: :weeps: Jeb? JEB: … NED: :weeps: Jeb! JEB: … NED: Frak you! :weeps: Sid, I'm going for you! JEB: You are not going anywhere. NED: :weeps: Let me go! JEB: I need you to oversee the fusion cores. NED: :weeps: Get away from me, you sick frak! I'm going out! JEB: I said no. NED: :weeps: Neeeeil! JEB: He's gone, Ned. We can't help him. NED: :cries: Oh Kod no... oh Kod, oh Kod... JEB: Doctor, prepare for the transfer burn. We're leaving. *** MISSION STATUS ***
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