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Everything posted by czokletmuss

  1. PROLOGUE – PART 3 *** - Ned! Sid! - Hello old man! - Man, I thought we will never meet before the countdown! Nice to see you. - Nice to see you too, you old *******. Why didn't you tell me you're going to space? - Hey, hold on buddy. I couldn't have, really. Top secret project and so on. - And you Sid, why are you going anyway? Didn't you have this cosy job as a teacher? How long before your retirement? - Chancellor of the university. I don't know whether you noticed that Jeb, but except of the serious health problems I didn't really benefited from the journey of „Kadmosâ€Â. I practically slept through the whole Jool part. - But you guys realize that we probably aren't coming back? - And what it is to which you want to come back? There isn't anything for us on Kerbin. - Speak for yourself, my research… - Boys, boys, chill. Come on, I reserved a table. *** - Weird, I've never been here. What's the name of this cafeteria once again? - “Dorsiaâ€Â. Fancy place. So, what are your thoughts about the mission? Have you seen the mothership? - Not really. They are doing everything they can to limit the number of people with a complete knowledge about the ship or our goals. Have you got the mission plan? - Yup. To say that it's crazy wouldn't be enough. I mean, we're in this facility for almost 13 months and still nobody wants to tell us why we are doing this in the first place. This journey will be far more dangerous than our little adventure with the “Kadmosâ€Â. You have any idea why would the government spend so much money for almost quarter of a century? - I have some theory but it's rather improbable. - What theory? - Don't listen to him Jeb. Sid has read too much cheap sci-fi and he thinks – imagine that – that we may have received some message from the aliens! - This isn't funny! - Sure it isn't, Sid. Big Pink Men living in the canals of Duna and travelling in the flying saucers. Come on. - So why we are here? Trillions of credits spent for what? You aren't a rookie, you know how things work in this world. If there's no profit, nobody will even move a finger. - - It's not the Old War, we ain't going to space because of some stupid propaganda. - Hey, I was part of this “stupid propaganda'. - I'm sorry Jeb, but blind national pride and pointless flag waving aren't exactly the reasons to initiate the space exploration. - Let's change the subject, shall we? Jeb, you asked about the mothership. I don't have any pictures but I have a complete technical specification with a comparison to the “Kadmosâ€Â. You wanna see it? - Sure I do! - This is our good ol'buddy, the “Kadmosâ€Â: „Kadmos†- Interplanetary Mothership Vehicle Ares I–class crew - 5 height - 112m diameter - 5m mass – 399,29t (modular structure) TWR on Kerbin – 2.06 ÃŽâ€v (atmosphere) - 5227m/s, T 6m56s ÃŽâ€v (vacuum) - 10637m/s, T 15m10s engines – Z-Pinch nuclear fusion, two MPSS NERVA, two H.O.M.E. Radial aerospikes; during Kerbal ascent four Jool V boosters payload to Low Jool Orbit - est. 70T two Dragon Landers - with monopropelant-based engines two Thor Explorer Probes Kethane Miner – 36t vehicle launch separately, critical to the mission success MechJeb pilot assistant system ORDA docking assistant Romfarer's Lazor integration Protractor interplanetary navigation system - I still wonder sometimes how lucky we were to survive all of this. - Yeah. And this is the new mothership: Interplanetary Mothership Vehicle IMV „CLASSIFIED†crew - 18 height - 134m diameter - 12m mass – 366,10t (without payload), enhanced and modular structure TWR on Kerbin – 1.11 ÃŽâ€v (atmosphere) - 5198m/s, T 284s ÃŽâ€v (vacuum) - 13654m/s, T 12m29s engines – two Z-Pinch nuclear fusion total payload capability - est. 90t two MonoProbes PAYLOAD - two Low And Medium Gravity Modular Landers (LAMGML) PAYLOAD – Automatic Miner Unit (AMU) PAYLOAD – Tylo Lander PAYLOAD – Laythe Lander Berty 5000 A.I. System Two detachable robotic arms Two fusion reactors MechJeb pilot assistant system ORDA docking assistant Romfarer's Lazor integration Protractor interplanetary navigation system - IMV Classified? Great name. - Very funny. However it'll be called, I hope it will be more capable than the last one. - It surely will be. Think about it fellas, in a few months we will be together waiting for the signal in the command pod high above the launch pad, just like in the old days. - I hope that everything will be fine. You know that during the first phase we will visit the Mun and Minmus? You've ever been on a Mun, guys? - Stop teasing us, Jeb. - And speaking about the launch pad, we still have sometime before the Eve Lander departure. Are you hungry? - So-so. - Ok, I'll call the waitress. Ma'am? Excuse me ma'am, would you be so kind and… *** EVE LANDER
  2. PROLOGUE – PART 2 *** - What do you mean “not yetâ€Â? I agreed to participate, so you can tell me what exactly this bloody Project is all about! - Jeb, until you sign the non-disclosure agreement you won't get any more information about the Project or the ship. It cost us too much to keep all of this a secret. I probably told you too much already. - You think that I will run to the media right after I found out what's going on here? And who exactly is “usâ€Â, Bob? - … - Fine, I'll sign it. Let's get this thing over with. - Splendid. My assistant will escort you to the one of the conference rooms with a terminal. There you will speak with Berty. - And who's he, another bureaucrat? - Please, there is really no need for this. I was a kerbonaut, just like you. And Berty… he's an engineer, but a very unusual one. Go find out for yourself. *** - Here sir. Do you want anything to drink? - You have whiskey by any chance? - I'm afraid we don't, sir. - Ok. Thanks, son, that'll be all. Oh, and one more thing – where is he? - Berty? He will contact you through the terminal, sir. - What, he can't move his lazy ass to talk with me in person? - Hello Jebadaiah. It's very pleasant to finally meet you. - Berty, right? - That is correct. I've been studying your profile for quite a long time. Your fortitude and diligence as a captain during the journey to the Jool system was exemplary. I'm looking forward to our collaboration with overflowing exubarance. - You... you're an engineer? - I belive that this is a very surreptitious way to describe my duties, but yes, you can say that I'm the chief engineer of the Project. - Do you always talk like this? - I'm deeply sorry if you think I'm being pretentious in a way in which I'm speaking right now. I'm just trying to express my jubilation in the most precise and tactful way. If you prefer so, I'll use a more prosaic vocabulary. Tell me, have you ever heard of Alan Turing? - No. Is he also working on this mission? - Not at all. However, his work was quite important to our efforts. The failure of „Kadmos†was caused by many factors, one of them being the lack of an effective autopilot system. Of course in its days it was equipped with cutting-edge technology, but we've move forward quite a bit since then. Did Director Bob explain to you the difference between the new mothership and the „Kadmosâ€Â, Jebadaiah? - Director Bob, huh? No, he didn't, he told me I have to sign the contract first. - I'm fully assured that you will. Nevertheless, I see no reason in procrastinating or delaying the inevitable, so I will share some details with you. Do you remember the main conclusions from the Presidential Commission on the Interplanetary Mothership Vehicle „Kadmos†Accident report? - Sure thing. Amongst the causes were the lack of communication with Mission Control, insufficient protection from radiation, cooling problems with the reactor, defective berthing mechanisms in those damn Dragons and too weak a structure of the entire ship to survive multiple aerobraking without damage. And the Miner was to heavy. Software was to vulnerable to cosmic radiation. And… - You are correct. I'm assuming you will be vivified after knowing that we eliminated all those elements. Communication? The new ship will have two long range antennas built-in, as well it will use a separate probe during the journey to enhance the quality of the connection. Instead of one reactor there will be two, each one powerful enough to provide energy even if the other fails and to eliminate the need of solar panels at all. And these are just a few among the many important changes and upgrades we have made. I can assure you that we were pertinacious in our quest to build a ship better then „Kadmos†in every aspect. - How come you're so sure, Berty? - You will be able to take a close look at our work soon. As a matter of fact, you should sign the non-disclosure agreement rather hastily. - Why? - Although our Project will take years to be completed and there is still more than 24 months to the launch of the mothership, the sheer scale of our endeavour forced us to compromise our primary goal, that is sending all the equipment on board a single ship. - Wait a second, you're trying to tell me that there will be more than one ship? - Not exactly, Jebadaiah. There will be only one mothership with one crew and one commander – who's role, by the way, is still yours if you are able to complete the training. - So what are you talking about? - A vast number of probes, fuel and other equipment must be launched separately. The mothership will intercept this payload later during the journey. - Wow… But you still haven't explain why I should be quick about it. - You don't have to be. Unless you want to witness the first launch of the payload. - What? When? - In T minus 3 hours 23 minutes and 36 seconds. - Today?! - Yes. You were quite lucky to show up here today. I'm privilaged to navigate this ship on its journey. - Wait, aint' these ships with the payload unmanned as you mentioned before? - I never said that I am a man. - What the… - I look forward to our cooperation. It was very pleasant meeting you, Jebadaiah. PAYLOAD B
  3. PROLOGUE – PART 1 *** 23 YEARS LATER - Are you sure that's the place? - I am boss. The address is correct and look, he even has a Gemini mock-up in a yard. - Where? - There, behind this garbage container. - Nice. All right then, I'm going. - Boss, are you sure this is a good idea? - What do you mean? - I know that guy was a hero once, but it was years ago. I helped the team in constructing his psychological profile boss, he's really a mess now. I just wonder is it a good idea to try to contact him at all. - He's the only one who was out there for such a long time. Even if he's just a shadow of his former self, his knowledge and experience are still invaluable. Wait here – if you want to smoke, step out of the limo. It shouldn't take long. *** - Oh no, they've captured the princess! Captain, what are we going to do? - We must rescue her! Come with me, RoboRay! - Aargh! - Stop right there! The crystal of Aiur is mine and with its power nothing will stop me now. - You can't win, Draxus. Your forces are surrounded by the Alliance fleet. - Oh really? With princess Elena as my hostage, they won't dare to stop me. First the AstroCity and then the world! - We will stop your vile plan, no matter... where is this damn popcorn? - We will stop your vile plan, no matter what! - You will try. Kill them! - SOCK! POW! ZOK! - Watch out, RoboRay, they have laser cannon! - PEW PEW PEW! - Ouch! - Captain, we can't win this! We have to retreat! - And now the best part: Captain Antares... - Captain Antares do not run! Come, friends – to infinity AND BEYOND! - Will the brave Captain Antares stop the sinister Lord Draxus? Will he save the princess and the peaceful citizens of AstroCity? Find out in the next episode of the „Space - Adventure Timeâ€Â! The only sci-fi show dubbed by the real kerbonauts! Next week on Monday at 8 AM. And now, commercials. - Stupid commercials. Wait, was it doorbell? I'm coming! Where the hell are my pants? One minute please! All right. I'm going, I'm going... well I'll be damned. - Hello Jeb. May I come in? *** - Nice place you have here. - Please Bob, I know when you're lying. Do you want anything to drink? Beer, whiskey, some drink maybe? - No thank you, I'm on duty. And isn't it a little to early to drink? - Heehee. Make yourself comfortable. Do you smoke? - Thank you. - I didn't see you at the cemetery. - I was... very busy. I'm sorry. - It's not me to who you should apologize. Damn, it's been what, 8 years since Mac's death? He was fighting the bastard bravely. - One has to be really strong to defeat the cancer. You did it after all. - Yeah, barely – but it costed me greatly. Two damn years in the hospitals, my old house sold and Anne. - I'm sorry Jeb. - Oh don't be Bob, you didn't really care after our divorce so why pretend? (pause) - You have quite a collection here. - Yeah, my pride. Last season our team won the second place in a league tournament. - Team? - I'm playing with Walter and this one guy who wants everyone to call him Dude. They had a third player but he had some accident or something and I always was good at bowling so I joined them. - Bowling medals, trophies… but where are your KASA's medals, Jeb? - I sold them. - You what? - Hey, don't give me that look. I needed money for the surgery, okay? - Weren't you earning quite a bit doing these conferences? - Try to fight the bone cancer and your ex-wife in a court simultaneously and then you can instruct me what's wrong and what's right. Frak, Bob! You show up here out of nowhere after what, 10 years, in this shiny suit and you think you can judge me?! Frak you, man. - Jeb, listen… - After the KASA cancelled the manned flights, what could I do, huh? Go to BobCat Industries and do what, “adviseâ€Â? When you were moving your sleeky ass to the administration I was terminally ill and you didn't even visit me! After Ann left, you didn't visit me, you didn't call to ask “hey Jeb, how are you holding up?â€Â. Not everyone had such a soft landing as you did – Ned's still fixing cars. Cars! And he was the flight engineer on “Kadmos†which had a frakin nuclear reactor. It ain't easy for any of us. I have to dub some ****ty cartoons to make a living. I walked on a surface of the Mun and Joolian moons and now I'm Captain frakin Antares. - Jeb… - What do you want from me? You certainly didn't come here to talk about the good old times. What is it Bob? What do you want from a fossil like me? Cut the bull**** and just tell me. *** - Hahaha! - I don't know what so funny in… - Hahaha! No, I'm sorry, it's just – it's great, really great, but the April fools was like a week ago. - Jeb, I'm not joking. - Well of course you don't. You're just trying to tell me, that the president Dixon's infamous KASA's manned program cancellation was in fact a cover for the top-secret program which involves several government agencies, top-notch world private space companies and the best minds from the whole world. And all of it, this gigantic international cooperation was executed in total secrecy for almost 20 years. Now when the project is almost finalized, you were sent here to recruit me as a commander of a new interplanetary spacecraft. Honestly, I'm impressed. Did you ever considered a profession as a screenwriter? - Jeb. - Really, this would be a great story. But I don't get why would you spend your precious time mocking me. There is no space travel for me anyway, don't you remember? “Excessive radiation exposureâ€Â. And after this cancer treatment I wouldn't be allowed to fly even in the first years of KASA. - I'm not working for KASA. We talked about this and even if you won't qualify we still want you as an advisor. - Oh really? So tell me, what were you doing for the past 20 years? Why has nobody tried to contact me? This story falls apart with every question. - We've had our reasons. We need you Jeb. - Yeah, sure you do. - I'm deadly serious. We're sending a new ship out there two years from now. And you're the only person who has any experience flying in deep space. - What about the rest of my crew then? Why didn't you contact them? - We did. And they agreed – didn't you wonder why they didn't have time for any meetings during last few months? - Ok Bob, this is enough. I don't know what games you're playing or whatever company put you up to this, but don't try to involve my crew in this petty scheme of yours. There is just no way that what you're trying to tell me is true. A project this big will require thousands, tens of thousands of people to work for years, billions of credits, reactivation of the old KSC and what, nobody will notice it? - 784 thousands of employees contributing to it worldwide, to be precise. - Tell me more. What next, you will try to convince me that the Mun landing was a hoax? You've been there with me. - So your answer is no? - Damn right it is. I don't know who came up with the idea to recruit me, maybe the same one that invented that crazy conspiracy theory, but tell the HR department in your company that this was the stupidest idea ever. Now get out of my house. - I'll leave soon but listen to this – if you change your mind or if you would like to see what we're working on, just call me. - Fancy card. - Think about it Jeb. This may be the last chance for you to go there. Wouldn't you want to see the stars once again? - It's the only thing I care about. Even now, after all these years, I remember the Jool rising above the horizon on Vall. But I won't be deluded by your stupid games. Now go. - What, another bowling tournament? Or maybe some groceries? You were once a hero to us all Jeb. You can still be. - Get out! *** - Take me to the HQ. - Yes sir. So how was it? Will he join the Project? - I don't know. He was always stubborn as a mule. Did you know that his application to the KASA was rejected 4 times before they accepted him? - No sir. - He's old and completely out of shape. But I think that there is still something left of the Jeb from the days of „Kadmos†i n him. We'll just have to wait. *** - I told you that I talked with him few day ago. No, I don't know how soon... wait a moment, I have a second call. Yes? - Bob? - Jeb! Have you considered my offer? - Count me in.
  4. Yeah, but it's like building a base on Europa and Mars. Due to distance and hence the cost, you will always be able to send more payload to Mars then to Europa. Which means you could either have a decent size base on the Red Planet or a small outpost on Europa. Tyranny of the rocket equation - you can't just ignore the delta-V requirements for Laythe, especially with comparison to Duna, which is the closest planet to Kerbin in terms of m/s.
  5. I was thinking recently about writing some mission report from my gameplay but I doubt that anyone would be interested in reading something like this Oh and do you know that BobCat is releasing RAT soon? It will be great! I hope it won't break when the 0.18 is released though
  6. This is test flight: But if you want to send some big payload to Mars or its moons you need something bigger then Delta. I'm not supporting the SLS (not that it matters since I'm not even US citizen) but with rocket that big there will be a possibility of sending really heavy equipment on orbit, which will enable (I hope) some serious orbital constructing like this which is needed for the Nautilus X or other big ships. And yes, NASA should concentrate on NERVA or VASIMR-like engines if we're ever going to leave the Earth-Moon system.
  7. That's interesting but since we are speculating in a quasy realistic way we have to take radiation into consideration. Here's what the neighbourhood of the Jupiter-like planets looks like: You see this ring which connect the innermost moon with the gas giant? This is a plasma torus which provides Io - or in our version, Laythe - with a deadly 3,600 rem (36 Sv) of radiation per day. We should also include distance and inclination - maybe on Moho there is plenty of energy but getting there is a very, very difficult task. The same thing goes for Jool and his moons, not to mention the Eeloo. I would also say that the Dres is not worthy the energy - more or less the same conditions as on the Mun but less energy from the Sun and much more distant target. So effectively we are reduced to the inner planets and not all of them: 1) Eve - absolutely deadly enviroment, crazy delta-V requirements means this is a one way trip, no solar energy on the surface (90km of clouds folks), high temp and pressure 2) Gilly - not worth the risk; why go so far if you can effectively have the same conditions (low G) on Minmus? However you get more solar power but less or no water at all, plus the distance between the Kerbin and the settlement is huge 3) Kerbin SOI - Mun and Minmus are obvious targets, all the minuses are negated by the very close distance to the KSC; few days and you have your supplies/crew 4) Duna and Ike - like Mun and Minmus but further away So that's it - Kerbin's moons, Duna and Ike, maybe Gilly and maybe - if you can deal with the radiation and enormous distance (more or less one year) - Laythe. The rest is a joke Oh and we don't know whether you can breathe on Laythe - there is a highly reactive oxygen but we (and Kerbals also?) don't use the pure oxygen to breathe. In fact only 21% of our atmosphere is oxygen, the rest is nitrogen. But this is a big plus since we can use jets on this pretty moon.
  8. But it means problems with cooling (which is said to going to be added). Wouldn't the Ike be better? Colder, yes, but you can build a base and cover it with the regolith plus use the energy from the solar panels to warm it a little bit. And you have quite habitable planet few m/s away. And to make journey even more cheaper in terms of delta-V, you can perform a reverse gravity assist (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Gravity_Assist)
  9. I think that the proposed asteroid mission: is a better goal than practically reacting the Apollo program with the better equipment: But the Orion spacecraft - the first deep space manned vessel - is the only valuable thing in the SLS I'm afraid.
  10. Of course not historical but it doesn't really fit with the Cassowary and the HOME vehicles which are very futuristic. Another idea: Venera probes! I know that the BobCat team is very busy creating the great stuff as I'm writing this but I think this is the last thing which the Soviet pack needs, the first probe landing on the other planet was achieved by Veneras after all.
  11. This is exactly what I built And to stay on topic: I too think that the Duna is the best place for a permanent settlement. All things aside, trip to Eve is a one way ticket unless you want to build a hybrid zeppelin rocket which weighs more then 30t. On the other hand, travel to Duna is very easy and very safe. You can easily build a space station above Duna, which with the low requirements for the SSTO on this planet and the presence of Ike makes the Duna the absolutely best place in the whole solar system. Here is you Eve: As comfortable as the nuclear reactor cooling chamber. Imagine walking on the bottom of the boiling acid lake (actually temperature and the pressure will be much higher). Enjoy your stay!
  12. I made a table for all the celestial bodies colonisation possibilities some time ago:
  13. Shouldn't there be third option like "both aren't very good ideas" or smth like that?
  14. Yeah, Raptors were OP just like Starbuck who managed to fly inside the Cylon without life suport! I think that in the SW the s-f setting is just a background - the main story is very personal, family centered and includes a lot of mysticism. In BSG in my humble opinion the s-f do put some limitations on the story, where in SW there are effectively nonexistant, apart from the Millenium Falcon problems with hyperdrive. And let's be honest, the SW can be as well told in the feudal society or any other not advanced civilisation; BSG can't be. But this are just my thoughts, I won't add the SW to the list anyways because is there anyone on this planet who didn't watch the Star Wars? I think we can Is this really good? I've never heard of it.
  15. Yeah, I know, I'm really bad at flying in the atmosphere. And speaking about the historical spacecraft: there was a question here (?) about some suggestions. Well, I recently watched the "2010" and guess what, there is one of the most impressive Russian spacecraft ever: "The Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov" Just saying
  16. But the forum has been repaired. The remaining threads will be replenished and reconstructed. The attempt on my thread has left my posts scarred and deformed. But, I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger. In order to ensure our journey and continuing the story, my threads will be reorganized into the one Main AAR Thread for a safe and secure storytelling.
  17. Yup, this is just my point of view. But not everything has to be realistic - "The Walking Dead" is quite good as well as the "Game of Thrones", but were there ever any dragons or zombies? No, but this isn't the problem. I just assume that because we all are playing KSP we prefer some more believable space ships then X-wings, which by the way are capable of SSTO and FTL travel
  18. Well, aside of the Cylons, ridiculous space fights (II world war fighters-style) and some weird mystical themes as the reinvented series progresses, the first seasons are quite strongly based on the reality. What I mean by that? Problems with fuel, with water, even with radiation, political and social tensions, good character development and so on. For me, this is the border line between the pure fantasy and the good s-f. This doesn't mean that the SW are bad of course - for example "Firefly" is great, but it's totally unrealistic.
  19. Oh right, it's a must. I watched it recently - I love this Russian officer (?) who didn't say a word through the whole movie and was there only for the Floyd to look more badass during the aerobraking. For some reason I can't post more then 5 videos, so I'll be putting links instead.
  20. Kliper is great and very easy to glide. However, I have yet to learn how to land on the runway and not to crush few hundred metres from it
  21. Let's make a list so that everyone can watch the very best space-themed movies and tv series! And by space-themed I mean more or less based on the reality +++MOVIES+++ 1) 2001: Space Odyssey 2) Sunshine 3) The Right Stuff 4) 2010: The Year We Make Contact 5) ... +++TV SERIES+++ 1) Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets 2) Battlestar Galactica 3) From the Earth to the Moon 4) Firefly
  22. There will be once again Mission Report subforum as one of the devs said
  23. Very good idea, I would love to learn something in this way
  24. I'm looking through my backup files right now; as soon as the Squad reinstitutes the Mission Report subforum (this weekend?) I will start putting the whole [AAR]s back
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