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  1. More ideas: Accidentally activate the next stage's engines, like the Nedelin disaster (although this happens pretty often when I mess up the staging order) Rocket engine gimbal hard-over. From what I've read this and other control system failures were relatively common in the earlier days of rocketry. I just remembered the Proton launch failure in 2013 where the gyroscopes were installed upside down, so I guess that still happens sometimes. Video in case someone hasn't seen it:
  2. I posted this in the old thread before I noticed the new one: Thanks for updating this, I always wanted a chance of explosions on ascent to recreate the anxiety I always feel when watching a real launch. Suggestions: Make SRBs explode violently if they fail, they tend to do that in reality. Especially the ones derived from missiles (those have actual high explosives in the propellant). Maybe they could rain still burning chunks of propellant down, too? Like the GPS IIR-1 Delta II failure that almost destroyed the blockhouse: Edit: Solid rocket motors do this sometimes too (Polaris missile starting at 6:37):
  3. Thanks for updating this, I always wanted a chance of explosions on ascent to recreate the anxiety I always feel when watching a real launch. Suggestions: Make SRBs explode violently if they fail, they tend to do that in reality. Especially the ones derived from missiles (those have actual high explosives in the propellant). Maybe they could rain still burning chunks of propellant down, too? Like the GPS IIR-1 Delta II failure that almost destroyed the blockhouse: Edit: Didn't notice the new thread!
  4. Thanks! I figured it would be something like that. Here is a very important video on ejections that I'm sure would be helpful for anyone using the mod:
  5. Here is a crewed mission to deliver a high thrust stage to a sungrazing orbit, making the most of the Oberth effect to escape the Sun. I used KSPI-E because otherwise it would have taken too long as I am very lazy! The lowest TRL tech used is the Hermes' open cycle gas core reactor, I could have used something proven like a solid core NTR but again, laziness. Imgur album: http://imgur.com/gallery/xwWgE
  6. I'm sure this will be helpful for airplanes. Thanks for fixing it up for 1.2! Is the short delay after the kerbal appears at the hatch and them rocketing away intentional? Could that be reduced? Also, you might consider adding an ejection sound and/or rocket effect. Here are two youtube videos for reference material, one with sound and the other showing a short clip from Gemini testing. Edit: Hrm, when launch clamped on the pad there is no delay. Edit 2: Another idea: add some divergence to the ejection trajectory so multiple kerbals don't make a perfect parachute tower. Also, is it impossible to make the ejection parts act as hatches where kerbals come out, to allow for multiple simultaneous ejections? I'm guessing you'd have to have the hatches built into the crew containing parts but I might as well ask!
  7. I agree wholeheartedly. Also, bigger is always better and the M-1 or Nova are much larger than the mercury capsule!
  8. How about something soviet? Would go well with the various part packs. I don't know much about the history of space suits but a quick glance at Wikipedia seems to indicate you could just replace some flags and text on the existing orlan texture. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/Russian_space_suit_3.jpg Or you could go for Gagarin's orange suit with the red CCCP across the helmet.
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