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Everything posted by MarkoRagnos

  1. Jool intercept... Or so I thought Um, Mom, I'm going to be late home from school
  2. Nope, easiest way is to burn so your apoapsis is heading in the opposite direction of travel to the object you're orbiting. Make sure you escape the object's gravitational pull so you ended up in kerbin orbit again, keep burning until you have as little PE as you need Example here
  3. Even worse, his surface speed is NaN (Not a number)!
  4. Couldn't help myself but have a go too. Did it in a shorter time, less fuel, all at 100%. 1 way trip. Here is the Image!
  5. I do like the look of that jet. One word of advice, you shouldn't need those fuel lines, as the fuel should travel up the wings (they can do that you know) Also, it feels pretty stable but for some reason when I landed, the jet decided to land through the runway so when I geared up to 'park' it decided to blow itself to pieces all over the runway lol. Also, RCS tank but not used at all?
  6. This wasn\'t my first attempt at it, but certainly my actual first \'successful\' at landing on the mun back in 0.15 days.
  7. You could argue the VK3601 is the best tier 6 medium tank...
  8. I always thought those were the engine exhaust ports. Where the engines would sit in the section between the foils/wings each side and vent out those red ports to generate thrust.
  9. I would say your problem is the fuel goes from tank to tank because there is no \'break\' in between. My suggestion, use TT-38K Radial Decouplers and Struts to provide strength between stages. You can then fuel from the outer stages to the inner so you end up with a full center structure after you enter space/orbit depending on fuel usage and thrust. Let me know if that helps
  10. Eventually the now current tier 8 arty will become tier 10, with fill ins between. Essentially take an arty tier and +2 or +4 which seems to be the case with them now anyway.
  11. Sorry mate, NA for me and I get the feeling I\'m 12 hours different.
  12. I can only assume this isn\'t the right place?
  13. Hi, I went looking for some example planes, and sure there are some out there but the spacecraft exchange is a huge beast to navigate. Any chance on splitting it into two sections? SPH and VAB?
  14. Matchmaker is being updated on the next patch being released in the next few weeks. +- 2 tier\'s for tanks which should even things up a bit.
  15. It really depends on playstyle, this is what I know of them Germany = Big armour, slow tank, OK gun, OK damage USA = Armour below average except turret, High damage gun, slow reload,good acceleration, bad top speed, USSR = Good all round tank, speed, damage, armour French = Armour? Doesn\'t exist. Autoloaders (4-6 clip and long reload between clip). Fast tanks. China = Only 1 tank tier 8 prem you can\'t buy any more
  16. If you ever get it working 100% every time, make sure you do us a video of it in action 8)
  17. Been playing since open beta on the NA server I have IS7, T54, Object 704, AMX 50B, Batchat 25t, Lorraine 155 51, Ausf A, KT, Type E, T30, T95, T110E5, Patton, Type 59 and a whole bunch of little stuff and a few premiums. Currently grinding out the Batchat 155 so I can have a second tier 8 arty for clan wars.
  18. ^I second this. But some how I feel it needs to be made into a challenge where it\'s on a polar orbit and you fly through it on an equatorial orbit. Just a meet up and fly through somehow seems too easy.
  19. @Kizarvexis Yep, the same idea can be applied to any planetary body in game, though, you can start turning towards 90 etc almost immediately as you don\'t have to worry about trying to break an atmosphere. Good guide, next step, how and when to do a transfer burn to the mun based on a 90deg circular orbit.
  20. I got this: Here: I shall call him Superman of minmus because he can leap tall rockets in a single bound
  21. Been playing a week, loving this game. It\'s made of so much awesome that I go to work and all I can think about is how to get my next rocket out to minimus lol. On that subject, first successful landing of Minimus today (about 30 minutes before this post actually) Yes, I landed the whole thing without breaking any of my parts! w00t! The next mission for me, how to get my sun orbiters rescued and back to kerbin.. :-[ p.s. Any Kiwi\'s or Aussies out there?!
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