If you\'re Like me you\'d want to watch your ship Fly While knowing where your ship is heading on the navigation page. This brings me to my Idea: Advanced Navigation - Stability Augmentation System (A.N-S.A.S) NOTE :This addon / program will work best for those with multiple monitors. First and foremost I\'m going to need help This will be my first KSP Mod, this is a larger project and I\'d like to have a partner (or two) to work with preferably some one with Programming and /or Modeling knowledge also an idea of how to make a orbit calculator. (I\'m good with C# But I\'m New to Kerbal) The Idea is to get the needed data from Krebin, Mun, Minimus and of course The players Ship have a basic trajectory calculator, the catch is the data will be sent to another program (via sockets for simplicity) and drawn in a similar fashion to how it is in KSP, the difference being its in a new window which can be ran on your PCs or a friends if you\'d like to have a try at some ground control. The (A.N-S.A.S) Its self will do the same job and look similar to a S.A.S but when activated with start a basic Socket server, and send the data to a client when one connects, making it so you don\'t have to use it if you don\'t want to. Perhaps have the option to Disable the S.A.S portion but still send the needed data. the client side will use the data to draw the trajectory\'s. it will also be possible it so users can set points on the map where the ship will turn towards vectors set. Or the ability to set the Mun (for example) as a target and have the Autopilot know the best course to get there. The auto pilot system will probably not be added until the basic navigational stuff is done. Update: [li]Need to Restart Plugin Side [/li] [li]Need Feed Back as to What Data should be sent[/li] [li]Need to Restart Ground Control Application[/li] [li]Need 3D models for GC and KSP[/li] [li]Still Looking for People willing to help.[/li] If your interested in helping just PM me NEWS: I\'m Home, my PC is ready to start coding again. Time to start putting together a Team Here\'s Who I\'ll need: Coders : People with a Knowledge of C#(Possibly JAVA) and How to make a Plugin For KSP. Its Come to my attention that some people wouldn\'t like XNA-Winforms as it would make it PC only, that\'s fair so we\'ll need to do a bit more work to make it nice and cross-platform Perhaps MonoC# or JAVA. - This is my first KSP plugin so give me some time to learn, I know a good amount of C#. but its been a while since I\'ve done anything in Java 3D Modeler : Mostly For the Part in KSP but also the Orbital View screen we\'re creating: - Kerbal - Mun - Minimus, any other Important Bodies. - A small Ship (Just as a marker in the Orbit) We\'ll also need a way for us all to communicate nicely. I\'m A fan of Skype, as I\'m a bit lazy when it comes to typing. Lastly any one helping on the project, it would be nice if you knew how to use GIT / Tortoise GIT, Version control is a must and its a nice way to keep code nice and the a ability for people to work with he same files at the same time. PM: Me if your still interested in Helping out, I want to get a good but small group of people together who can make this happen. i do have a few other projects and this one is going to be fairly large when it comes down to all the stuff that needs to be done so i would like a few people before i get started again. Here\'s a Idea of what it may look like, I\'d like to have multiple 2D views but also the option to re-size them or get rid of them. Every one loves badly draw paint images right ?