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Everything posted by PeterDracos

  1. One thing I've noticed and decided to point out in the thread. At least as of 0.0.5, there's a key difference between Kethane and Karbonite infrastructure. That difference is density. One unit of Karbonite is a LOT denser (and heavier) than Kethane. 1.1 units of Karbonite, which is about how much it takes for 1 unit of LiquidFuel, is more than twice as heavy as 1 unit of LiquidFuel. What does that mean? Don't put your Karbonite refinery in orbit, if you can help it. It's easier to mine and convert on the ground than in space. And unless RoverDude changes the conversion ratios or densities by a lot, that's not gonna change. Which, to be fair, is not a bad thing. Right now, with conversion rate still not throttled by drilling rate, it's faster to fill fuel tanks than karbonite tanks. Once 0.0.6 comes out and that's no longer the case, drilling and refining facilities are still gonna be more interesting* to assemble on the ground than in orbit. * 'interesting' in this case could also mean 'difficult,' 'complicated,' or 'explodey.'
  2. Now, I spent some good ammount of science in a depth research which showed me that "Liquid fuel (is), sometimes called jet fuel". Then, I can assume those are the same and don't need different buttons for the same stuff. But what about the oxidizer and monopropellants? So, if I'm correct, only Medium Converters are capable of converting Kethane into Oxidizer, while only Heavy Converters are capable of converting Kethane into Monopropellants? Or is there really a bug? I couldn't find anything on the items description or at the Kethane Wiki that told me this. If there is some info proving the contrary and I didn't see it, please, rub my nose into it. P.S.: I'm expecting a 5-word answer. Looking at the convertor config files, it seems like "Jet Fuel" and "Oxidizer" produce LiquidFuel and Oxidizer, respectively; "Rocket Fuel" produces both. There's something in there I don't recognize: all of them have another component with a * after them, which I assume is what it creates when there's no more room for the primary output - for Rocket Fuel that's XenonGas, while for the other two it's Monopropellant.
  3. Keep in mind that Carcharhinidae's MM config doesn't 'fix EPL,' rather it lets you make rocketparts through MKS/OKS with their metal. If you have an extensive EPL infrastructure with drills, smelters, and workshops, those will still be broken. Well, the workshops will work fine for turning rocketparts into rockets, but they won't be able to turn metal into rocketparts. So it's not so much as a 'fix for EPL' as a 'compatability patch for MKS and EPL.' The flipside is, of course, that his patch will still be perfectly useful once Taniwha gets around to releasing the fixed Kethane dll, and is almost enough to interest me into finally installing a life support mod.
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