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Everything posted by Vaccer

  1. That Missile looks like a nice candidate for a SRB you can use as a missile.
  2. I think you proved me wrong on their can never be too much rust. Keep at it and try to layer rusted looking textures over the original ones and clean them up so it isn\'t a giant rust covered cylinder.
  3. Got the tank and engine ingame, I plan on doing a lot of work and making this a lot bigger for the final release, but I wanted to see how balanced it is, so far it loves to curve to the left at launch. Don\'t expect a new release for about a week. I still need to fix the first rep rocket and figure out how to finish this one since I have pretty big plans for this second one.
  4. Toying with the monolith again, made it 2km in length. I\'m trying to figure out how to put a collision mesh in it that doesn\'t destroy ships upon launch because using the same collision as the original this thing just crushes ships with a lighter weight than the original. If I get it working properly I may release it later with the first Repconn rockets fixed version and a second Repconn rocket if I can figure out how to split it up properly. And to not triple post here\'s an update on Repconn. Vertex colours are to mark texture placement, I need to clean up the meshes, make the parts fit together a little more cleanly and make the nosecone a command capsule and fit the end for a parachute.
  5. Thanks for catching that I accidentally messed up a value on one of the nacelles while tweaking them. New Link in above post and OP. Also I\'m making a quick video showcasing the new parts link will be in the OP under the large engine tests as soon as it\'s finished.
  6. I finally updated my pack to fix the bugs in the newest release of the game, changed the thread and pack name(again sorry for being so indecisive) and added something I was currently working on.
  7. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE[/glow] I updated the OP to include latest versions of my old models, due to newer versions making me re-do the texture files. Plus I released my early build of my first Repconn rocket I\'ve been working on, it\'s buggy because I fail at control surfaces and the fins don\'t fully attach to standard fuel tanks. Download link for those too lazy to check the first page. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42863458/VaccersmallpackofwondersVer1.zip ENJOY! If there\'s any bugs with the old models let me know. Thanks for catching the bug I accidentally had the wrong cfg in one of the folders.
  8. Are those bundles of dynamite or fireworks?
  9. Well I fixed the texture and smoothing groups on the parts. I\'m still unsure what to do with the fins besides make them winglets, maybe they\'d function better as control surfaces? The reason the bottom part of it is darker is the bottom cone is the engine and the light is hitting it different. also in the second pic the seam doesn\'t seem as bad. Time to move on to the next and way harder to texture rocket, the ships the Followers of Bright flew courageously into stupidity in. I need to do some more work on the model after checking the game version of it. I\'m also planning on when I finish, don\'t expect it to be too soon, I get distracted from the work easily. To release these parts along with my other 2 packs in one large superpack, but this wont happen until I finish all the planned Repconn Rockets. Don\'t worry though after I finish the first 3 planned ones I\'ll give you guys a little taste of them. Currently the rocket on the stand out infront of the repconn test site building is rocket #3.
  10. It kinda helps when you have the game to base the models from. Current Progress. Semi-finished Model, I added a little more details to the fins after this. First attempt in game with tank and engine. Attempt at getting the fins ingame, the texture borked itself somehow so I\'m going to rebuild the fins from scratch using the original I made as a base and then I\'ll redo the uv and texture. I also need to tweaks the bottom of the tank/top of the engine attachment points, plus I need to fix a few smoothing errors that I intentionally hid from view in the ingame screenshots. I really need to get the latest game release so I can play around with some of the new features that would make the fins better ingame.
  11. I fixed the balance of the nacelles after their first release, they perform pretty well in the current release. The Nacelle pack includes 4 different facing nacelle tanks, and engine for each of them and a single nacelle cap SAS module. The Junk Parts Pack includes and extremely high thrust 3m engine(max thrust will eat a 3m fuel tank in 15-20 seconds, I don\'t remember) a slightly scaled down 2m version of it to fit Novas 2m tanks, the monolith(does nothing but adds weight and looks cool), and a solid rocket booster in the shape of a giant brass cannon. I\'m working on the Repconn idea but I haven\'t downloaded the latest release since .85 so I need that for my new testing, plus I need to not be overly lazy and actually finish the repconn rockets. Got the tank textured still need to tweak the texture to make it repeat slightly better. got the engine attached, working on fins.
  12. Well that Repconn stuff does look sexy, but I don\'t know how to pull a couple of them off. As for the pic I\'m making the main body of the red and white rocket the fuel tank, the bottom piece the engine, and the 4 fins boosters. For the one under it the nosecone probably wont be added(I might make it a command module) but the body is the tank, the engine the engine and the fins will most likely be winglets. Scaling is gonna suck. Don\'t expect true to game textures, plus I\'m trying to make the poly counts low so they wont have quite the level of detail as the ingame rockets did. That top one will prove most difficult unless I make it a single piece as a booster. If I manage to get them working, don\'t expect it anytime soon I haven\'t played KSP in ages due to me trying to make mods for other games so I\'m a bit behind on the new systems.
  13. Sorry for the lack of new parts, I\'ve been working on other projects and don\'t have the newer releases of the game yet, and have Been playing New Vegas far too much. I\'m trying to think of something wasteland inspired to add into the junk parts pack as I\'ve given up on making phoenix inspired creations, but I\'ll need to play some more NV for ideas. Hopefully in a couple weeks I\'ll have something newer to add, thanks for all the DL\'s though people. 8)
  14. I designed them to roughly resemble the Phoenix's rear engine, but I couldn't get enough good references to make it look better, nor do I have the texturing skills to make it have the same cone texture. I might reduce the poly count on them slightly in a future release, due to having too many useless polies leftover from creation. And will re-uv it for better texturing. But that won't be for a while or until I get new ideas for weird parts.
  15. I updated my thread with them just today.
  16. Updated the opening post with a pack bundled with my 3M engines and 2m engine, along with the monolith and SRB Cannon. http://www./?4343blix9dmf77c
  17. Updated the first post with a couple other creations of mine I've been toying around with. Hopefully they work as well as planned and hopefully the download links work. The monolith was planned to be part of a future challenge in later game versions, I think everyone knows what that is already though.
  18. The black struts a Trilateral Coupler I'm working on to fit a 1-2m rocket between the Nacelles. And the Rainbowcone is a 1m to 1.6m Adapter shroud I've yet to texture as I usually bake the normals to the texture to figure out the uv easier. I'm currently working on a few parts and am testing them for the next pack, not all of the smoothing groups or textures have been finished yet. Also I've been trying my hardest to get a massive 9m wide rocket into orbit using combination's of my parts along with Sunday punches 3m parts. If I manage something huge no doubt I'll release a 3m version of the 1.6m engine.
  19. Just a scaled up version of a 1.6m engine I'm working on(Note its sitting atop the single 3m tank stage), I'm using it to test extremely heavy lift scenarios in KSP, so far it's not looking so good due to the engines randomly detonating when enough weights put atop them. The Tri Couplers made the x layout of the 3m tanks possible though.
  20. Thanks to your pack and some tinkering of my own I am one step closer to a Saturn V. I'm surprised I got it off the ground without coming apart. I'm loving your parts.
  21. Finally a tri-lateral coupler, I was making one for my pack but mine holds the parts a little father apart so a 2m rocket can fit between 2 1m's. Yours is awesome though for rockets with all your parts and most packs. Keep up the good work.
  22. Ver 1.1 is out and apparently no one will notice unless I add a new post. Fixed most of the wobblyness, added nacelle cap. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A5VONLPF I've been having issues with uploads. So hopefully mega decides to cooperate with people this time. Here's a little preview of whats to come in future releases, it's a little nuts to be 3m, maybe if people started making stock 2m part it'd fit in a little better.
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