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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i made a video where i bomb a target with lazor mod bombs
  2. the awesome bombs/missle's are missing in the beta8patch.rar
  3. yep they are and DYJ made them :3 check his topol-k youtube video
  4. i suppose you mean the mumech toggle menu the ion engine has, the kethane engine is probaby not goign to have that, beacause its not based on the muMechvariableEngine module.
  5. Kethane mod is nearing completion , you can already do some very cool stuff with it
  6. with the most minimalistic probe possible , you will probably be able to land on the moon with the new ion engines, tho it will be very very hard
  7. Hi There, i'm the new tester/balancer for this mod For everyone that doesnt see the glow effects on the parts, try turning off fallback part shaders in the game settings menu(it needs a game restart to take effect).
  8. ExtraPlanetal, that is epic, driving the rover into the crane, didnt think of that for a docking mechanish, i suggest Damnyoujapan's claw
  9. Well the challenge is that this isnt stable , its an extendeble rope hanging on a freely moving hinge
  10. Joepinball awesome,good job on making a fully usable skycrane! nasa would be proud of you! nice design ,but your rover cant do anything, it has no command pod i'll add a hardcore mode to the challenge after trying it, you should add some boosters when decoupling the cart for extra awesomeness
  11. what kind of orbit around the sun? you can orbit the sun while next to kerbin and then return quite easily
  12. So, i made a skycrane mechanism(using DamnedRobotics and Mumechlib) it worked perfectly, the only problem is that it is incredibly hard to make a working and stable desigh for the rover/crane Some pics of the crane at work: As you see, when i tried controlling it it didnt work out that well ^ this happened a couple times The Challenge: Make a Working skycrane that can deliver a rover(something with wheels) to a planet(kerbin,mun,minmus) the skycrane must extend the rope atleast a couple of meters and then decouple and fly away when the rover is on the ground. All mods allowed, must use these 2 skycrane parts. in the download there is a cylinder(extendable rope) and a hinge(so it can swing and is not fixed) Assembly, attach the hinge onto your skycrane and the cylinder to the hinge, then attach the rover to the cylinder. see the pics -use fuellines for the rope, they look like real rope's- NOTE: when the command pod it on the crane and not on the rover , the rope is turned around, the original bottom side of the rope should be directed at the pod i will keep a list of all skycrane's created here the parts: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3pa0pa -working skycrane #1 completed by joepinball -working skycrane #2 completed by ExtraPlanetal, with 2 command pods - Hardcore mode: have your command pod attached on the rover (this makes controlling a LOT harder) -Joepinball completed the hard mode challenge with one of the most epic things i have ever seen in ksp! -
  13. how big is the space station you are trying to get into orbit, most space stations can be lifted into LKO with the stock parts, with your "ours and ours of balancing" i assume you meant the station tilting to one side etc , this can be helped by having alot of mass on the downside of your rocket and add some gimballing engine's underneath.
  14. at the moment trying it, nerva\'s ftw
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