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  1. So first of all I want to say that I'm really enjoying this mod but I'm having a slight issue with it, specifically the data storage upgrades. I was expecting to purchase the upgrade in the tech tree and get more data on my probes but there was no change. I did a quick search and found a few things that mentioned similar things but didn't see a solution until I found this Unfortunately I've tried this and it didn't seem to have any effect so I'm wondering if there's another way to make the probe's data capacity increase when I purchase the upgrade?
  2. Thankyou Kerbiloid! That's exactly the one I had. Happy exploding(launching)
  3. Hope this is the right place but on my last KSP install I had the A4 Rocket parts (The German V2) but I can't remember which mod had them. Can anybody help?
  4. Yeah, doesn't really feel like KSP without this anymore.
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