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Everything posted by Norway174

  1. Not really sure I understand your problems, what title? The program itself? The mods .zip files should be in --MODS-- folder, and to enable it in-game, simply install it from the application. (Double clicking it, or single click to mark it, and press the Enable button) Also, some mods requires files outside of GameData folder, and installing those with this Mod Manager will not work. Simply because this one is rather outdated. And I don't really support it anymore. There is a newer one I linked to in the OP, although, I'm not sure where we are with development on that. Last time I checked, mod managed should work.
  2. As RolfCopter said, we don't. We do have plans to add more social aspects of this program sometime in the near future. Which will require an account to access. The plans for these social modules can be found in our Google Doc's page in the OP. Please note, those may not be our final plans. And we may change them anytime we see appropriate. But we will greatly accept and consider feedback anytime. Also, on a side note, I still have all the PayPal information of everyone who donated. You are not forgotten, and we still worship you.
  3. Nope. These entries won't harm or affect your computer in any way. Lot's of application uses the Registry for storing information. It's completely normal.
  4. Deleting the KPSMM.exe will remove the application. You can also delete the --MODS-- folder if you don't want it anymore. And if you really are paranoid, there are some Registry entries you can delete as well. But as I'm on Win8, and I can't seem to find the KSPMM entry, only the filetype entry. I can't write a detailed guide on how to find all the Registry entires now. However, if you search for KSPMM, you should find them. But be careful, registry is a very dangerous place if you don't know what you're doing. And I don't recommend going there. I'd say it would just be better to leave it as it. It won't affect your computer is any way whatsoever. And I don't think any of us can really comment on who's mod manager is better. I think when it really comes down to it, it's all just about personal preferences. And KSPMM wasn't that buggy, was it?
  5. I would also like to add, this program will be much more focused on the social aspect. Connectivity. Especially with SpacePort, for downloading & installing mods. Because installing mods in KSP is easy as a breeze now. And funny how you thought of me as a Wizard. Also, by the way, in case anyone is wondering, KSPMM stands for "Kerbal Space Program Mod Manager".
  6. @quietsamurai98: Disabled will delete the mod from GameData folder. While still leaving the original mod in --MODS-- folder intact. If you, however, deleted the mod, the mod has to be disabled first, and it will hard delete the mod files from the --MODS-- folder. This is assuming you used KSPMM?
  7. I'm quite a detective for those sorts of things. And back to topic about KSPMM, I haven't done any programming at all. For a long time now. (Did a quick currency converter for Steam the other day. I suppose PM me if interested. It's useful, but not really impressive or anything.) Just been really busy with real life stuff, settling in on my new job, my GF dumping me, all those sorts of life stuff. But I recently had an idea to try and overhaul most of KPSMM's code. Finally make it so it doesn't have to be launched from KSP.exe folder anymore. Allow for more instances of KSP. Try and integrate the Auto-Updater into GitHub, somehow. If they even allow that sort of stuff. And give ROFLCopter64bit a big kick the butt... For not fixing my bugs. Hahah! But I'm not promising anything, at least not just yet.
  8. Awesome, thanks. I'll definitively look into it. And on a side note, "656696"-part in the URL, a referral number for you? Not that it matters, just curious.
  9. Thanks. But I'm looking into a paid host. Since I need to host more pages as well. So if anyone have any suggestions for a good, cheap host. I'd love to hear them. Preferably with yearly payment. Monthly is out of the question, unfortunately. EDIT: Turns out my account got suspended because of inactivity, and not because it used too much resources. Because of inactivity, it's a simple automated process to reactivate again. So the site should be back up now.
  10. Aaaaaannnnndddddd grreeeeaaatttt.... Our host has suspended our page. I have made a request with them now. But we'll see how it goes. Also, Redwork, sorry, no mac support. But it might work with Windows emulators like Wine. But it's unconfirmed. Sorry!
  11. Ohh... Right. That's because of the new website. It should be fixed in the next version. Unfortunately, I have no comment on when next release is due. But I would say that this project is not dead. And is KSPMM.exe in the same folder as KSP.exe? Should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program" if you are using the Steam version.
  12. I'm sorry for all the problems... I have just been swamped with real life stuff, and I'm not really at all in the mood to program. If anyone wants to step in, and help out. Feel free to PM me, and I can see about setting up a thingy to the GitHub page project thing. Sorry the expression, I'm still kinda new to GitHub. But be assured, KSPMM isn't dead. Far from it. I still drop by every now and then, I just don't post that much.
  13. Use KSPMM. Which is designed to handle uncommon packaged mods. (Shameless self promotion here. Hehe. )
  14. What? That sounds really strange. What mod(s) are you trying to install and what version of KSPMM?
  15. Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong. Does any other program work that uses the same .Net? Disable deletes the files from the GameData folder. That's what it's supposed to do. But I thought I made it so that it would give you a warning if it didn't find the mod file in --MODS-- folder. Hmm... Not sure, could be they use irregular folders I haven't added yet.
  16. Hmm... Maybe I can't write it to the Registry? Try running as Administrator once to see if it fixes it. If you haven't already tried that?
  17. @Korb Biakustra: It's nothing. The reason you're seeing that is because I moved that WelcomePage on my web-server. And I haven't updated the url yet. It's just a welcome screen. Not really that important at this moment.
  18. @Korb Biakustra: What...? Wow, how? French? Really? I don't even know French. And it's not an installer. It's the actual program. Download, and place it in the KSP folder. Eventough it should work if placed anywhere. It just won't start KSP or install the mods in the right location. I have no idea what that Error code says... Since it's in French. But I noticed the location was in a temp folder. I'm not 100% sure, but that could be it. Try moving it in the KSP folder, and try again. You could also try to run it as administrator, if KSP is located in Programfiles folder. Since KSPMM is moving around files, mod files. But it has caused some problems in the past, with being in the Programfiles folder.
  19. No need for that. As of this moment, http://kspmm.norway174.com is back up online! So you can go grab the newest version. And with great news, registrations do work now! Al tough, it serves no purpose as of yet, but I noticed a ton of people had tried to sign up on the old site. But registrations was broken back then. Now it works.
  20. I'll take a look at it later. right now I'm working on the front page of KSPMM. So right now, it's down. So sadly, the downloads are down. And so are all the other KSPMM online features, except for Bridge. I'll try and get everything back online ASAP. Then I'll see about fixing that bug, and releasing it.
  21. Depends on the function. If it's a function I made myself, I can very simply add debug messages all over. But if it's a function in the .net framework, I can't edit it. Or even look at it.
  22. Same here... Nothing shows up in the debugger. This is really strange. Is there anything those mods have in common? That possibly other mods don't have.
  23. I noticed that too. That a certain mod was stuck on "Scanning Virtual KSP Folder" for a really long time. Had to kill it with Task Manager too. But I figured it was maybe a really large mod, although, it didn't seem any bigger than other ones, so I didn't think much more of it. Anything more you might notice when it hangs up could be useful. Or a pattern either in KSPMM itself of the mod files. I just don't have the time to do such a process now. I may have the time t fix it, if I knew what it was.
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