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Everything posted by Tidec

  1. I removed it, reinstalled it, started game, but still had the same problem Then I took a good look at exactly where I was supposed to install the files. It seems that I previously just threw the 'Parts' and 'Plugins' directorys from the zipfile right into the existing similarly named directorys of my game. But no, you need to take the whole 'Innsewerants Space Agency' directory into 'Gamedata'. I did that, and now it works. I'm scanning correctly now and I have the compass icon with all its options. I'm also starting to wonder how I ever managed to get this plugin working at all in the previous updates. I have always installed it the wrong way but only with this update did I had to install it the right way to make it work again. Thanks for the help !
  2. Thanks, but unfortunately the button to open that ISA mpa menu seems to have disappeared. I have a sattelite dish on my rocket that keeps aiming for Kerbin, but I can't click anything to open ISA map
  3. Where do you have this option to 'update hilo.dat' ? I closed the game, found a hilo.date file under Plugins/Plugindata/ISA_MapSat, removed it and started the game again. I can use the 2 parts, but it's not doing anything while in orbit. I also have no button to open the map or something alike. I do have a new small hilo.dat file now, but I have no way to scan or open maps ingame.
  4. Perhaps not that awesome yet, but it's the start of a potential awesome project. Expect bigger constructions with giant hoops to fly through, canons and catapults, and kerbals being launched from several kilometers distance and performing dangerous precision landings. This rocket was just to test if such a construction would be able to land on Minimus. The pilot even made it back home.
  5. On mission 1 my Kerbals managed to bring a station in orbit around Minmus, at about 7000m height (grey orbit) . It comes across a nice location where I want them to land in the future. On mission 2 another station was brought to Minmus, again around 7000m height (blue orbit). Getting to Minmus is not a challenge anymore, but I ended up in a random plane because I\'m not able to plan in great detail yet. So now I\'m wondering how I could align the orbit of the blue station so that it matches the same orbit as the grey station ? I will probably need to do this maneuver again in the future when I bring in my landers and they get random orbits too at first. I tried burning in several directions already, but I don\'t see the inclination changing, I just make my orbit bigger or smaller. So when do I need to burn and in what direction ?
  6. Tidec

    Let's push KSP!

    In my opinion, the best way to push this game (as players) is to make cool/funny/interesting movies about our projects and to post them on youtube and similar sites. It is a way of \'talking\' about the game, and short online movies are the best medium for this kind of situation. It reminds me a lot about minecraft, that game also grew a lot because of all that was on youtube. You can encourage the making by such movies by organizing contests or official weekly challenges where the conteders have to post their submission on youtube. You don\'t have to ask anyone to post those youtube-links around the whole internet, merely asking players to upload to youtube is enough in the long run. Some of the best movies will then start to live their own life and people who like what they see will follow the trail back to this game and try it out.
  7. Tidec


    I bought the game 48 hours ago after seeing some youtube video\'s, and I think I\'m already completly addicted. I probably had some urgent things to do this weekend, but I made rockets instead. I\'m a 32 year old nerd from Belgium, sometimes self-employed as web developer or doing other stuff in IT sector. Also parttime history student and a bit of a musician. I\'m probably too busy to really make parts myself, but I\'ll surely propose all kind of game/parts suggestions later on if it can help the community. Progress after 2 days of rocketry : 3 crews in an eternal orbit around the sun with no hope of return (goodbye brave souls) , 1 crew with a very hard landing on the Mun (I\'ll bring a memorial plate on the next flight, I promise), and currently testing a rocket in a nice circullar orbit with enough fuel to reach the Mun in a soft way. Looking forward to be here with you all.
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