I'm getting back to playing KSP for the first time in.... 4 or so years. Anyway from back then I have some vague memories of what mods I had, Kethane being one of them and decided to try to get it again. But the page is unclear how Kethane differs from the stock mining in game and what benefits it has over standard mining. An update to the front page would be greatly appreciated.
I'm also having an issue when running it with -force-opengl in that I'm getting missing textures on all grid displays in game (in the form of purple/pink hexagons), I've tried looking through the forums for a solution. But I'm a slow reader, so have been looking for key words, while I've found mentions of the purple grid, I've not found any workable solution. Help in this would be fantastic if anyone know of a way to solve it. It works fine when I don't run -force-opengl , however my computer has not aged gracefully and with the constant use some components are starting to show it.
For those wondering "Why not just play without -force-opengl?" if I don't play the game using -force-opengl, while having mods, then the VAB and SPH become incredibly sluggish to respond to mouse and keyboard input after a few minutes (sometimes up to 5 seconds just to pick up a part). Also the amount of RAM allocation KSP seems to request, when not running -force-opengl, is beyond what my poor aging 16GB RAM can handle. (With my setup my RAM sits around 94% usage on the low end, but gets as high as 98% usage when in flight or the VAB)
If anyone has a solution to bring down that RAM allocation without -force-opengl, I welcome it, because it will solve so many problems.