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Everything posted by BlackBicycle

  1. ...and having to rescale all your models? And retexture? And I am not even touching the weight issue, or other parameters for that matter. Don\'t get me wrong, I want to do some stuff for this game, but you know how disheartening it can be to have to redo stuff that was created purely on inspiration, while having fun? That\'s the moment when a hobbie turns into work, you know. And you cannot reasonably just drop it, because there is already so much time invested... I\'d like to do my best to escape this.
  2. Well, for now I am worried about the scale. If the whole plugin scene dissipates, my reaction will be obvious.
  3. I recently destroyed some compound debris in orbit with a laser cannon. I guess one component got destroyed, and others received such impulses that they went far and wide. As a result, after a Kerbin day or two they overflowed their 2 million or so altitude and predictably bugged out to minus 2 million or so (it\'s actually a bit over that). I was able to switch to them, but at that moment everything stopped working, I could do escape menu, but after I clicked on any buttons the menu will not function (either closed with no effect or just blinked the button, don\'t remember). I have the persistent from then, I think, could post upon request. I am using about 10 mods though, so beware before you request this.
  4. Try to quote someone posting a spoiler (in the main body of the message) and you will know how it\'s done.
  5. Try your best to have a good time there! Build a few bottle rockets or smth : ) See you!
  6. 1. Use MechJeb (accent autopilot for now) so that you only have to set the parameters, not to steer. Once you watched it do a run or two, you will know how it works. I recommend only leaving autothrottle on, the 'autostage' is redundant here, and the 'autowarp to apoapsis' will only skew your perception of what\'s happening. It\'s training, remember. To use it, install a mechjeb mod and add a mechjeb module from the 'command and control' (second) tab somewhere on the ship. 2. Head east (set heading 90deg/inclination zero deg (I prefer to set heading, but they are interchangeable), adds the 200 m/s Kerbin surface rotation speed for your craft. 3. If the craft has serious drag (deduced by looking at accent autopilot>stats in mechjeb), adjust the path (in the same autopulot>edit path) to pierce most of the atmosphere vertically before starting the roll. In my experience, with sleek rockets, i start a turn as low as 5km, and with really draggy ones at 15-20 km. Fuel works out well enough. Soft landings to ya : )
  7. I am sure you will be better off starting a new thread here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?board=39.0
  8. Set up a poll related to this. Modders only please (although others are welcome to take a look). http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15146.0
  9. Here is the poll, vote away : ) I am following the rescale problem with great interest. I have some time to spare to a hobbie, as in creating some content for the game. However, I am reluctant to start in view of the upcoming rescale. So I decided to set up a poll, to at least figure out what the common opinion is. EDIT: there is a new development in the issue, see http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15204.0 Just in case you were wondering, I was thinking unfolding (and docking with each other when it gets implemented) inflatable modules for Munbase, hopefully with power and zo2 capabilities. A set of them with different functions, and connecting infrastructure of course : )
  10. I absolutely agree. And while I think the team is past reconsidering, they DO need to figure a way not to kill the modder base - since that\'s what is currently providing the incentive for newcomers to buy the game, as well as most of the publicity. Maybe there is some workaround, like an automatic converter.
  11. Zdorovo! To move the craft, move it from VAB to SPH folder. You might have to rotate it afterwards, don\'t remember. As for altimeter blanking out, this only happened to me when I was using certain mod part, got rid of it, all back to normal. Some say altimeter might blank out with a heavy rocket on a weak computer - not sure about that. Anyways, it is a known bug.
  12. Just delete PluginData\mumechlib\MechJeb.cfg and rerun.
  13. Landing legs that actually reach quite lower than the engine, will help, as will having a landing speed of less than 2 m/s, preferably less than 1. Good luck : )
  14. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14963.msg225862#msg225862
  15. There is no need for that. You change the period of rotation so that it takes 1/3 longer or shorter, do it for ONE orbit, then circularize back. P.S. It would\'ve been nice to have a calculator, where you enter your circular orbit altitude, above which body, the lag or lead in degrees you need to achieve, and it gives you the new apsis altitude needed.
  16. The rocket you will need will differ from the one in the video, as it is one of the previous versions, but the method is perfect.
  17. Spent a few hours today trying it out, with Robotics for structure and empty fuselages for pontoons. Found out that at that size, Robotics don\'t hold together all that well when not in water. Main trouble is, of course, getting the darn thing from the hangar to the ocean : ) Wanted to do in in style, with steering and all. Guess I\'ll have to settle for the landing gear under the pontoons... Think I\'m going to post a mod request for more generic wheel parts, like a single wheel with attachment, steerable and non-steerable, left and right. Then this Lego-like setup can really pick up pace : )
  18. Just as was about to suggest a design, people got to building these : ) I\'ll post anyways: google (images) for WAM-V Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel. Isn\'t she a beauty? One of the intended purposes is recovery vessel, too.
  19. This is what I use now to deploy comsats around Mun. 6 ntv detachable boosters, 3 tv in the center, then the ship. The last stage, after dropping the sat can land on the Mun and lift back into low munar orbit. There just might be enough in the RSC to get it back to Kerbin, haven\'t checked.
  20. ... or, you could always download or mod yourself and do one little engine with enormous push. I mean Duck, honestly... doesn\'t it seem to you that these mods are beginning to defeat the purpose? How about a heavy lifter with default tanks/engines? So, to answer the OP: This is what i narrowed down my vehicles to, trying to keep a reasonable budget and only use the minimum needed: A stock parts munar heavy(ish) lifter would be a 3-stager with boosters as a 4th stage. As the worst part of the lift is the first couple of minutes, at the start you should fire 6 non-thrustvectoring engines with the force of 200 - those are boosters, they each have 3 tanks on top, control surfaces on sides (1 each) and will detach when they run dry. Also at the start fire the 3 thrustvectoring in the central column, which should have 3 tanks for each engine. Detach the boosters (should happen during the gravity turn), then the central column (3 tv engines and the tanks). The next stage is the same as previous central column - 3 tv engines, 9 tanks. This one will probably stay in an annoying orbit. Next stage is payload - with its own small engine and 3 tanks of fuel, rcs and 8 rcs blocks ( 4 top, 4 bottom), an asas and a mechjeb. I have to admit, I have not tried this design (hopefully today). What I do though, is use a slightly lighter version of this design for keostationary launches (which are about halfway to the Mun) with final stage of over 10 tons. I only use 1 tank on top of each booster (but as we all know it can hold up to 3 effectively), and only 2 tanks on the last stage. In my case that\'s enough, with an added advantage that the second stage also returns to Kerbin and does not litter my space : ) EDIT: Oops, looks like I described my previous design. Sorry. Skip the middle stage altogether, you shouldn\'t need it. Just 6 boosters, central column and payload ship on top of that. And if you do add the middle stage, this should be enough to launch a whole house up there. I\'ll give it a try soon : )
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