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Everything posted by spacep00se2

  1. afaik : object and collider should get the same material / texture
  2. ! Video not found notes : engines can only be selected by clicking on the pods (the thruster part itself can not be selected) when attaching the SaS module -make sure its attached properly - there is some snapping between the top and bottom nodes as they are very close together please report any issues you encounter thanks ! [mod]This mod is out of date and has not been updated by the author since Aug 2011. Be warned that it does contain bugs.[/mod]
  3. Samara Rocket booster added to get this thing off the ground http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKVnygnyE3I anyone know what exactly is responsible for the shakes ? does it shake less if there longer and fewer parts are stacked upon each other ? thanks !
  4. that did it from name = solidBooster to name = solidBooster2 solved thank you <3
  5. Hello probably a simple issue to solve but i dont know where to look i made my own SolidBooster and it works fine when i use the SolidBooster that came with the game its model is replaced with my own solid Booster sometimes its the other way around everything looks fine in the assembly but when it gets to the launchpad models get replaced anyone got a fix for that ? thanks in advance
  6. y up on export is my default what needed to be up was Z on node_attach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4a8YoK6dGY
  7. well...the pod position seen in the video was hardly ever ment to be the final position if ever id rather put it on the back (or just replace the original command module .dae ) current issue : when i try to surface-attach the winged fuel tank it will rotate 90 degrees and pretty much intersect the part it is attached to (explode on launch) how to keep the part facing up when it is attached to a surface ? or how do i make it attachable to a radial decoupler ? thanks in advance
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyXWa2-u2oc
  9. v0.3 changelog : - texture tweaks - sidepod booster thingies added download below notes : for now its nothing more but a decorative solid booster its quite heavy and unbalanced if used alone enjoy
  10. what kerbal space programm you got runnig there darrknox ..partlab ? i dont have that !? where can i get it ?
  11. hello managed to get my booster model / texture ingame (a little model icon in the assembly is not showing) the thing is - wherever i put it - directly below the crew or at the bottom it will fire up after lunch thus damaging the parts below edit : seems like all bosters fire up if not separated with a decoupler but i ran into another issue : sometimes i launch my rocket but nothing happens - i press space and it takes of separating and reattaching the bottom stage this also happens in midair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBnmdarX9fE the attachment node is somewhat above the actual model/collision mesh any chance they have to lineup almost perfectly ? edit : managed to get the little model icon to show up (assembly building left side ) but i cant drag it into the assembly area :-[ thanks in advance
  12. i got the same issue with the model showing up covering the entire screen area when i go to the assembly building the part is classified as mysterious node and there is no little thumbnail model thing showing the last part did not happen when i used a cfg file from a part that came with the game
  13. as an artist my brain is not a big fan of code logic heres the question regarding : the x y z´s such as : node_stack_bottom = x, y, z, angx, angy, angz, size node_stack_top = x, y, z, angx, angy, angz, size node_attach = x, y, z, angx, angy, angz, size is x y z relative to the objects position and size in space (local or world space ) ? if i have a cube yxz size is 1 for example that sits above the world origin - would the y top be 1 and the y bottom be 0 ? if i move attach x or z to +1 or -1 would the attachment be on the side of my cube ? thanks in advance
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