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Everything posted by Zaburam

  1. Granted. Your pet cat turns into an evil mastermind, bent on taking over the world. You become his personal slave, and he pets you while laughing maniacally. I wish that nothing ever existed, ever.
  2. Hey nova, how's that personal project coming? Might be a real killer.
  3. Engineer and anything from hoojiwana. It's almost all you'll ever need.
  4. Time to make a predocked ship bound for moho! First comes the station core/fuel tanks Then the living area... And finally, the nuclear drive core and lander module (which was really, really heavy) I'd post the rest, but photobucket is acting up right now. They safely made it to moho.
  5. They are not "ksp rovers," they're real rovers in the real world. I'm getting a bit sick of people trying to force this "so kerbal" junk on everyone, it's not funny.
  6. The poll is saying i've voted even though this is my first time logging in for months, what's up with that?
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