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Everything posted by ummwut

  1. @hyratel: the idea is to either go with a preloaded program and let it pilot for you, pilot yourself and load programs when not piloting (like in orbit, traveling between bodies, or landed), or pilot with a preloaded program. No need to switch between the console and piloting, thats just making it hard on yourself. @domox: if i could figure out how to load peripherals like it KSP does with DLLs, id have a DLL loader too. programs to preload would need to be in .BIN files. thanks for the link, btw.
  2. An on screen keyboard? That's a little too cumbersome an interface, especially since this is an on-board computer. Everyone should (rightfully so) expect to simply bring up the screen, type stuff, then minimize the screen and control the ship again. Or am I expecting too much from what I suspect I can do, given the things I've seen from other plugins?
  3. So, a while ago I started coding a small 16-bit virtual computer plugin for KSP. Everything was going great. Then, the Fire Nation attacked. Just kidding, I actually got stuck on interfacing hardware with it. Not interfacing with the ship, exactly, but maybe a class that would report keystrokes much like a keyboard would, and a class that would manage the GUI much like a monitor would. Unfortunately, I don't know how to really do GUI stuff or catch keystrokes that aren't intended for the VM, so I'm stuck. Here's the link to my GitHub where I uploaded my code so far: http://github.com/ummwut/KSP-16bit-onboard. Now, need an outside perspective on this. Help me, KSP forums, you're my only hope!
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