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Everything posted by Trebuchet-Launch

  1. Ahh, cardgame, you misunderstand - it\'s a conservative/Republican website, which for some inexplicable reason decided to take a time out from politics in an election year to mention KSP. So I figured 'It\'s probably pretty fun'. I was right.
  2. Republican/convervative website Ace of Spades had a thread on video games and Kerbal Space Programs was mentioned and praised, so I downloaded the demo and was hooked.
  3. Seems to just be the solar escape point. I don\'t think I\'ll wait that long...
  4. I flew out further... if it\'s a bug, it\'s a consistent one! It also seems to be close to the plane of Kerbin\'s orbit.
  5. I decided to test a new heavy-lift booster by sending some Kerbanauts to the stars. After managing escape velocity, my projected orbit disappeared... but after I increased speed a bit more, I suddenly had a flickering on/off encounter with something. Because I have no clue where the heck it is, or what it is, I don\'t know how to firm up my course... or is it a bug, and I\'m chasing a phantom? I hammered the heck out of the F1 key and managed two screencaptures of the flickering... whatever:
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