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Everything posted by adammada

  1. Oh, and the circle closes.AFAIK tomato3017 asked, because excactly that mod line drawing stopped working in 0.17 . I altready tried to do it like that mod does it, and nothing... EDIT: i see that just recently they found some solution to that. I will try again then.
  2. Earthpulse, i cant find any line rendering in Mapsat Communications source. I want to draw line in 3D space, while in map view, (like from ship icon to planet icon), not on GUI.
  3. I see that there is ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor . But how to draw a line on Planetarium map? I was just searching to learn.
  4. Another update - i've added information about closest approach to other bodies. It works similar to showing periapsis (but its not, cause it gives shortest approach when going on current orbit, and periapsis is given after SOI change). But you can use it to check if you are buring in right direction BEFORE you have information about SOI change. I see that this is not working as exptected. Damn, Squad should document functions some more
  5. @mossman, that could happen. mine measurment method assumes that orbits are circular, and Dune orbit is some elliptical. But phase angle calculator also assumes that orbits are circular, so you are screwed anyway, maybe even more when using protractor
  6. Edge of atmosphere, better dont dive your landers few km below... Anyway, i'm looking for faster transfer ways than Hohmann orbit, cause fuel isnt really an issue ( Nerva rulez )
  7. Mine result: - total journey time = 561 Days, 4 Hours, 39 Minutes, 20 seconds - time to Jool = 297 Days, 15 hours, 41 minutes Photos: http://imgur.com/a/ci1tT Strategy: I used Protractor Mod ( http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/21544-Plugin-Part-17-Protractor-Planetary-Lunar-Rendezvous-Mod ) to calculate / show angles and MechJeb to help piloting (but not used any mechjeb transfers, just Ascent and SmartAss). After launch I went to 620 000 m Kerbin orbit (maximum warp requires over 600 000 m altitude). Then i waited for good phase angle. Because high orbit is pretty slow, i didnt get excatly phase angle, because i wanted good ejection angle. I fired prograde and waited until I saw that ship would be entering Jool SOI (got caught by Minimus SOI on way...). Then i warped until about half of way and then corrected inclination (go up), also made periapsis close to Jool. Warped again until entering Jool SOI. I saw that i would orbit Jool clockwise, which is not supported by Protractor Mod, so i changed course to go counterclockwise and periapsis about 131 000 m, cause i wanted aerobraking. Jool atmoshpere starts at about 137 000. By trial and error i discovered that lower than 125 000 periapsis guarantees to much aerobraking (no going orbit again), thats why i used 131 000 . That aerobraking gave me higly elliptical orbit. I also saw, that i'm few degrees from good phase angle to Kerbin, and angle is getting worse. I tried to circularize orbit to make good ejection, first made retrograde to have orbit less elliptical, then at apostatis burned to make it circular at higher altitude (didn't want to wast to much speed), it required lots of dV. When i reached ejection angle I fired engines. I watched my orbit on MAP, and got worried cause it crossed Kerbin orbit, and there was no hit. But when it crossed some more, i got hit (better be to early than too late ). I warped until about half of journey and corrected periapsis (inclination and retro burn to go straight to Kerbin). I hit atmoshpere really fast, but aerobraking + some engine thrust was enough to lower speed (but max G is 72 ).
  8. Maybe you put more than one chip on ship? (with symmetry turning on by itself its not that hard0
  9. So, munolith on Mun sent strange signal in direction of Jool. Kerbals have to go to Jool and check it ASAP. Rules; 1. Only stock parts + mechJeb + information tools like AdamKSP etc allowed. 2. You need to launch without waiting on launchpad (start new profile, launch asap, don't wait for correct phase angle). You can always wait on high orbit and warp. 3. Jool is reached when you will be on less than 200 000 m altidude. 4. You have to go back to Kerbin! 5. Time of flight showed on upper lef corner of screen counts. 6. Show screens, write about your strategy. Two categories: - fastest to Jool and back (time of land on Kerbin counts) - fastest to Jool (not important how slow you will go back, time of reaching Jool counts)
  10. Well, i was hoping that i could see other way of calculating it. Current code isn't perfect, because it assumes that orbits are circular. I use "orbitPercent" to measure planet position (LAN gives initial position, and percent indicates how far planet moved). But when orbit is elliptical, angles are different that expected. But online Calculator equations also cant handle that, so, hmmm .
  11. Yes, but they programmed it like that anyway. You can see measurement here: http://i.imgur.com/cjpxg.jpg
  12. I measured it (printscreen + draw rectangle around it), and its shape is perfect circle, just Sun is not in center.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler%27s_laws_of_planetary_motion Fact A: shape of Dune orbit is circle (i measured it, you can draw SQUARE around it) Fact B: Circle is special form of ellipse, where both foci are in one place (center). Fact C: Kerbol is not in center of that circle. Conclusion: Dune orbit (and maybe other planets, cause only Moho's orbit is visible ellipse) violates Kepler 1st law.
  14. Hmm, but it really is a circle. ( or ellipse with both foci in one place ). Just Sun is not in foci (one or both). Which violates Kepler 1st law, i think. Also orbit calculator AFAIK assumes that orbits are: a) circular follow Keplers 1st law ( Sun is in center of circles)
  15. Well, yes. But shape of orbit IS CIRCLE, just sun isnt in center of it. Thats the problem. Look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler%27s_laws_of_planetary_motion
  16. Well, i measured it, and it sure looks like circle. large rectangle on Duna's orbit = square small rectangle shows where is center of that big square ( Duna orbit) - not on Sun center.
  17. Ok, I think that i fixed that ejection angle weird behavior. Anyway - i see some weird orbits here. For example Dune has circular orbit, but sun is not in center of it. This may cause some trobule i think. I always thought that star has to be in one of "centers" (i dont know proper english word for it) of orbit ellipse. Circular orbit = both centers in one place.
  18. It happends when you add more than one part to ship. There are few angles added there, so 500 angle equals 500 - 360 = 140 angle. I should add removing full angles from it. Did you measure same angle? AdamKSP always shows from prograde, but when going to lower orbit calculator shows angle counted from retrograde.
  19. In settings cfg: CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 1 CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 2 increasse patch limit to see what will happend next. Also you can experiment with Mode (1 or 2 or 3) to see different display modes.
  20. I'm trying to get back from Dune to Kerbin. (I'm using mine plugin to determine angles) - and i'm having troubles - always missing Kerbin. Kerbin goes behind me. I'm trying to change angle, i tried -75.19, -75.09, and 74.99 - still nothing. Also, i noticed that going to Dune requires more early burn (i missed with 44.36, 44.40 is much better). Hmm, i see that Dune has circular orbit like Kerbin, but they have differen centers. Is it even posibble?
  21. I'm not sure about making next iterations, cause mechjeb probably will add it in stable version soon.
  22. dont look at speed, just burn until your orbit will meet dune orbit.
  23. just fix your orbit en route. Thrust up or down looking at course.
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