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Everything posted by Anotora

  1. Had my first successful Mun landing today! I got a nice, straight-on encounter, and I had hundreds of pounds more fuel than I really needed to land and then return to Kerbin. I landed on a significant slope actually, I think on the outer edge of some crater. But all seemed well. So, Bill goes on EVA and gets to science-ing. Now I've planted my first flag, taken a surface sample and EVA report, and Bill is ready to get back in the ship and go home to Kerbin. I haven't gotten to the point where I can research ladders yet, so the command pod is about 6m up above the Munar slope. I figure that Bill can just jump up and grab onto the pod, right? WRONG. Bill jumps up onto the command pod, which then TOPPLES OVER THE ROCKET, landing it parallel to the slope that I'm on, rockets pointed uphill and tip pointed down. NOW he can easily get back in, but what now? How can one work with this? We push a wee bit on the throttle, hope in our hearts, but within a few seconds, ka-blam, catastrophic failure, mission over. What a disastrous success.
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