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Capac Amaru

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  1. I thought the latch might help me with my 'whoops, I hit the button too many times and activated half my stages' problem lol.
  2. How about something like this? http://www.jaycar.com.au/Electromechanical-Components/Switches/Pushbutton/Latching-Emergency-Stop-Switch/p/SP0786
  3. Are you working off some kind of guide? Are you making one of your own? I'm looking for a project to get into electronics and arduino, but I'm pure noob.
  4. Oh damn, my bad, I thought we were talking about Kerbin lol. Need more sleep I guess. Stars definitely need more icebergs though.
  5. I find it too empty. Needs more things. Cities. Rivers. Icebergs.
  6. I must write a paper on Sexual Dimorphism Amongst Kerbals.
  7. Whatever version was up when I took the pic last august
  8. Not that great lol. Style over substance. lol
  9. Check out our Space Engineers machinima on YouTube! Light Echoes Episode 1 

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