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Everything posted by captgates

  1. I just bought a second copy of KSP from Steam, that way I have the best of both worlds. And squad gets double (minus the bit Steam takes out) support from me.
  2. Figured I'd finally say Hi on the forums. I've been playing on and off for month or two now, still having trouble getting in a good orbit for munar and minus missions - most likely cause of my bigger is better mindset, however I have managed to get a few landers out to mun to blow up on touchdown. Something to do with coming in at 100+ m/s... just need more rugged landing gear. But gotta say this is an awesome game, to many add-ons though. I go through phases of just downloading them and then have way to much to try out when KSP loads 30 minutes later. Take it easy and be seeing ya'all around.
  3. Just curious, is it possible to get an object in a perfect orbit or does the time warp throw it off? I've been trying to mess with the settings then toss it in 100000x warp and the orbit always starts to degrade, granted its not by much but I want to get a perfect geosynchronous satellite network in place that I don't have to keep tidying up.
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