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Posts posted by Guard13007

  1. 1 minute ago, Jhawk1099 said:

    Sure thing. Being a YouTuber myself (very small and insignificant) I understand how difficult making videos can be.

    Haha, especially with the paradoxical nature of video length vs time it takes to edit.

    (And then you go and accidentally publish a video now instead of scheduling it for tomorrow..which I just did. You should check it out, not becuase I'm trying to promote myself (as usual :P), but because it's about a really cool Early Access game called Dig or Die. I wouldn't even mention it normally, but I love this game and I just stumbled across it.)

  2. 1 hour ago, Jhawk1099 said:

    Good work sir. Consider yourself one subscriber more


    And to the question of when, it was strongly hinted within a few days (for the public test builds on Steam).. 2/3 days ago. So I'm excited. :D Of course, it will be a few more weeks before actual release.

  3. Some of you may remember I do these news videos when they're getting relatively close to a release, here's one about 1.0.5:

    (These take a lot of time to make, so please, if you found this useful in any way, leave a like or something. :P)

    Oh yeah, and here are my notes, script, and the sources for this information: https://gist.github.com/Guard13007/aac213fe1d4ee7dd5f00

    (Also, to the moderators, general discussion looked like the best place to put this, sorry if I was wrong about that. o.o)

  4. The game is NOT bad. To put it on such a list is mind-blowingly stupid in my opinion. It could be a big disappointment to those who were expecting so much more, and he could be one of those.

    I would just like to say, as much as I wish for all these amazing dreams to go into the game, I never expected it. I took every release as potentially the second/third to last. I might have finally been accurate with that expectation with 0.90. (Although at that point I expected us to at least get 2 beta updates..I mean, how can you go into beta and then never have a beta release?)

    Really, my main point is that I think we should have had one beta with these new features, or bug fixes, or two releases (one for each of those), and THEN 1.0 could be declared.

    I want to point out because some people have forgotten, KSP was initially a smaller concept than it is now. It is about to reach being done according to their original goals. That doesn't necessarily mean it's over, it just means they got to the first dream's result.

    Edit: Sorry if I am saying things that have already been pointed out or are downright wrong (please tell me!). I have skimmed over part of this thread, but not all.

  5. Suggestion!

    Make is possible to search by part name (to find the mod that has that part).

    I know this is kind of a weird suggestion, but you have a database of mods and what parts they have, and I'm sure others have run into the issue that they downloaded a craft with a part in it they don't recognize (okay maybe it doesn't happen too often) and they want to find it.

    I mean, I'm in that situation now. I have a craft I got from someone with a "KzThrustPlate" and neither of us knows what that is or how it got there.

    (Also I'm sure you've seen the two issues I posted on the GitHub, but in case you haven't I mention them here because I haven't seen a reply and they've been there a while now. Apologies if they are duplicates of plans or stuff already WIP.)

  6. The Strikebreaker 24v

    The Strikebreaker series has a long-standing tradition of finest crafting of small, fast, and maneuverable fighter jets. The Strikebreaker 24v improves from previous iterations by adding Vernor engines and heavier fuel + ox tanks to both give it a higher potential for flight range (some modification may be required) and easier VTOL operation. To ascend in VTOL mode, simple use 2/3rds throttle. To descend, use 1/3rd throttle*. The Vernor engines can be used to help you maintain altitude on 1/3rd throttle or come in for a softer, more controlled landing. Be careful flying vessel backwards, it does not perform nearly as well in reverse.


    (just a short demonstration of the vessel)

    * These values are for a fully fueled (as provided) vessel. When emptied or overfilled, these values may change. Also note that overfilling the rear tanks will throw off the balance, and modification of the VTOL engine placement is recommended.


  7. Added a new craft! This one is not finished yet because it can be made a bit more efficient with more margin for error by adjusting fuel levels (I think), but it works perfectly, so enjoy!

    Mini Apollo v2 (WIP 8)

    Revisiting an old idea, here is a fully functional Apollo mission miniaturized to one crew member in a much smaller rocket. Even includes power generation and science payload, so you can science while you science, or something like that.


    (I recommend watching for how to fly it if you can't figure it out)


  8. 4WfD3N3.png

    Some of you may know of me, most of you don't, but in any case I occasionally design things in KSP. I had a thread a long time ago on the old forums with designs, and never bothered to recover that...because it was a bit ****. In any case, here I am to dump more planes (and maybe rockets) on you, starting with a blatant ripoff from NerdCubed (making a version of his latest attempts at spacing that works, as a plane).

    The Strikebreaker 24v

    The Strikebreaker series has a long-standing tradition of finest crafting of small, fast, and maneuverable fighter jets. The Strikebreaker 24v improves from previous iterations by adding Vernor engines and heavier fuel + ox tanks to both give it a higher potential for flight range (some modification may be required) and easier VTOL operation. To ascend in VTOL mode, simple use 2/3rds throttle. To descend, use 1/3rd throttle*. The Vernor engines can be used to help you maintain altitude on 1/3rd throttle or come in for a softer, more controlled landing. Be careful flying vessel backwards, it does not perform nearly as well in reverse.


    (just a short demonstration of the vessel)

    * These values are for a fully fueled (as provided) vessel. When emptied or overfilled, these values may change. Also note that overfilling the rear tanks will throw off the balance, and modification of the VTOL engine placement is recommended.


    Mini Apollo v2 (WIP 8)

    Revisiting an old idea, here is a fully functional Apollo mission miniaturized to one crew member in a much smaller rocket. Even includes power generation and science payload, so you can science while you science, or something like that.


    (I recommend watching for how to fly it if you can't figure it out)


    The NerdCubed

    Inspired by NerdCubed's recent attempts to make a spaceplane, here's a version of it that actually works (as a plane).



  9. Does anyone else notice the absurdly long name of Abvonovichatkaderivokistan on the left side of the map

    That was the first thing I noticed. xD

    This map, it is brilliant. Gives me ideas for the video making, might make it so that I limit myself to only landing in certain places or risk war or loss of astronauts.

  10. SR-71


    I think this is the closest I've seen to a real SR-71 in KSP with stock parts (let me know if you find a better one!).

    Takeoff instructions:

    - Doesn't really matter, but if you want a short takeoff hold the brakes while activating engines at full power and wait for it to start inching forward and let go and pull up until you get up.

    Landing instructions:

    - Fairly standard, just keep it about level and it comes down on its own.


    Download from here: http://www./?ey5x1qk1mukqh5w

    All designs also available in one big package from here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20914-Stock-0-17-Guard13007-Industries

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