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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Can you give me some flight instructions/tips for these? The biplane flips out of control when I try to turn it and the Cargo VTOL flips backward even with the main engines engaged.
  2. OK really sorry I\'m a noob here but what I\'ve seen here looks very interesting! I\'ve seen corps mentioned and orders and that kinda stuff. Can somebody explain to me what this is all about? It is clearly a game that I am unawear of...and would certainly like to know more about/be part of! Kerbal wars sounds ultra-cool!
  3. How do you turn off only the jets? The stage after launch is pod separation.
  4. Roll I think. Hopefully I\'ll figure it out Going to your thread right now!
  5. Incredible. The only word for it. Could you link these things and the mod downloads for me? Can I just say that this would be an AWSOME fan made game using Kerbal, giving some standard designs and adding in a basic resource system? Kerbal wars!! I would pay for that game. Those designs were just incredible, something to really be proud of. Jeb would approve!!!
  6. Okay, I think I can answer 2 posts here as well as my own question. I did use control surfaces however I was making my planes too big. So, I went onto Yeahletstrythatdyne and found out that I couldn\'t use your planes. Now that I can I\'ll get hold of the entire 1.6 line! Also looking to tring yours out colmo! Hopefully they will nock some sense into me and I\'ll be able to come up with a desgn of my own soon! Long way to go for that though due to the fact I can\'t get used to pulling the joystick left to turn right (inverted it but didn\'t work) so I haven\'t actually landed yet :
  7. Fitting, I think, for Jeb to pilot this thing. I think it would be cool to have a \'crew chooser\' mod, so you can pick Bill, Jeb and Bob for important missions or just Jeb for craxy ones
  8. This is REALLY COOL, except I am not a good pilot. By the time I get out to about 30 km from the runway, I lose altitude, even with the main engine engaged. Can somebody tell me how to correct this?
  9. Just got 1.6, (have upgraded from demo) and have set out to make a spaceplane. However, It seems I can\'t even build something that can get off the ground. have tried very small (2 jet fuel tanks = fuselage) with the wings connected to the engines which are connected to the fuselage. None of the stock wings can get this thing off the ground (eg delta and swept wings) so I tried making my own (wing connectors then delta at the end.) I can fly, but once I\'m over the water it will start to pitch down and eventually nosedive (within 1 min of takeoff) the wings themselves flop all over the space though I have reinforced them with struts on the top and bottom. Landing gear is always retracted. Engines are constructed with nacelle, intake and engine. I know this is cheating, but can anyone give me some plane designs that will work? Heads up I usually take off at about 100 m/s and maintain 160 once in the air. This is using the more powerful thrust vector version and the better intake. 2 engines.
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