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Everything posted by Bioman222

  1. Sorry for my lack of clarification, Xeldrak. By fastest I mean fastest the lifter can travel in an ascent By Maximum cargo I mean the maximum weight of cargo it can get to a stable orbit Best looking will be decided by a vote. I'll add this to the OP. Thanks.
  2. CHALLENGE Your objective is to manufacture THE best (stock) lifter. Ever. Simple enough, right? RULES -Stock Rockets Only -No F12 menu (duh) -Aside from mods used to tell you the specs of your rocket and mods used to change how the terrain looks, no mods. RANKING Your rocket will be ranked in the leader boards for the following attributes. Those are: -Speed (during a regular ascent) -Weight (least) -Delta V -Maximum Cargo (maximum weight it can put into a stable orbit) -Cost -Aesthetics (will be voted on) SUBMISSION To submit a rocket, use this form: Name of Rocket: Username: Company Name (optional): Maximum Speed: Weight: Delta V: Maximum Cargo Weight Cost: Screenshots: .craft file download (optional): LEADER BOARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Happy flying.
  3. Did you read anywhere past the first sentence? WMDs CAN'T BE IN SPACE. (Unless they're ICBMs, aparrently)
  4. One thing about Duxwing's hypothetical device you would have to wait up to 24 hours for the rocket to be in the right window to launch towards your asteroid, where as with a orbital device it would take up to 90 minutes to get to the Periapsis and perform the burn to get to said asteroid. Time counts. Yet, if 90 minutes to 24 hours really mattered, we'd probably be screwed anyways...
  5. I build a mountain on your hill. My mountain.
  6. 5/10 Seen you around also. The avatar is Sakamoto-san from Nichijou, an anime.
  7. I feel like that for the good of mankind, it would be a heck a lot easier and safer to have the missles waiting in parking orbit over launching said weapon straight to it on the notice of an impactor. Besides, it would take atleast four years to get one of those missions ready, where as having them in standby would allow for a quicker, more on the notice launch. And if you have a malfunction with the deflector on the way, you can still launch another one to defend from the asteroid. It's like a person fending off an attacker and coming with just a muzzle loader. If he misses or the bullet is stopped, he has to reload his weapon, whereas if he brought, say, a revolver, he would be able to fire another few shots just in case. Be prepared.
  8. Found something that seems to be very helpful: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/neo/pdc_paper.html It's a document about how to deflect an NEO and other things.
  9. Here's something new. I looked at the NEO section of the website, and there is one document that mentioned something about Spacegaurd (which sounds awesome), and as it turns out they have no plans about the deflection of impact-trajectory NEO's, only about the detection and observation of NEO's.
  10. Here's something to think about though. The OST prohibits placement of nuclear weapons into space. This isn't really a weapon (at least, until someone hacks the device and begins threatening to end all life on earth if he isn't given money), it's more of a tool for the protection of humanity. Another thing I noticed. Upon looking through the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affair's website's table of contents, there doesn't appear to be a single thing about NEO's and our plan to defend Earth against them. Will investigate further.
  11. I decided to look throught the OST and clarify that there weren't any loopholes to allow us to use nuclear weapons in space, and here is the section that is of our concern: For the whole treaty, see here.
  12. You jump through a heaping pile of organic materials alone. This is known as going through life without me. How do I stop procrastinating?
  13. We could land the cube sat beside this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobos_monolith
  14. Banned for being a Comic Sans user.
  15. I terminated Jeb since he was stuck in orbit around the mun
  16. Your argument is invalid Edit: Got ninja'd, but this is the wave motion cannon we're talking about, so it's OK.
  17. That's no relic. THAT'S a relic. None of the parts in your screenshot had been modeled when this picture was taken (.13.3 demo)
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