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  1. Running (what I consider to be) a very powerful system: i7 4790k, GTX Titan X (Maxwell edition), 16gb DDR3 ram 1600 MHz (I realize I should have bought faster, but this does not appear to be the bottleneck) KSP runs alright with a small craft, running at around 100 fps in a 300km Kerbin Orbit. Running a space station (which should technically be one ship because all the sections are attached) gets me less than 30 fps, which is shocking to me. When controlling the space station, I'm only reaching 65ish% at 55 C max on highest CPU core and only 25% at 67 C on the GPU. I could upgrade the CPU (and the motherboard consequently), but that would seem pointless, as I'm not maxing the CPU. Does anyone have any clues as to how I could get more FPS? There is clearly something bottlenecking the entire system, in my opinion, but I can't seem to find it. I've given a lot more technical details below, along with an Imgur album that shows CPU, GPU, RAM, and FPS info Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/FLzv7hR VSYNC is off, fps limit is -1 (unlimited). Running very few mods (Hyperedit, Better Time Warp, Kerbal Alarm Clock, etc.) More detailed spec info: settings.cfg: EDIT: I am happy to provide logs or more info as needed.
  2. Ive decided to start streaming KSP give my a shot if you're interested! twitch.tv/walia66 Feedback would be great Streaming now
  3. Thanks for the quick reply! I appreciate you pointing out aspects of the game which I was not aware of, the decoupler on the port for examplw. When I get a chance I think I will halve the payload and fill the tank 25% and refuel in space... Thanks!
  4. I have a space station around the Mun which is consistently running out of fuel, so I would like to put an XL fuel tank module on there. I'm having trouble orbiting this craft so any info or help would be of great value to me. File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcsnml4o0kiae3p/Lunar%20fuel%20module%20XL.craft?dl=1 Sorry, I can't upload pictures right Thanks, walia6
  5. Hi, I'm creating a post and I completely forgot how to attach .craft files to a post. Please let me know! Thanks, walai6
  6. Thanks, but this is my first career mode, and I have played since before the tanks were green. (Lol remember back then?)
  7. Nah it's fine. I'm open to suggestions.
  8. This is currently my science tree+points: I have explored all heights (and landed) of Kerbins orbit, and all heights of Minmus's orbit above highlands(not landed on minmus). And all heights of muns orbit that are above highlands and have a surface sample from muns highlands as well. What action should I take? Also, are there any plugins that combine Kerbal Alarm Clock and http://ksp.olex.biz/? thats a plugin? Im not a big fan of having to exit and enter the window alot. (And I don't want to play not fullscreen)
  9. Could I have a blank flag like this: http://www.thehulltruth.com/attachments/fishing-miscellaneous-items/283231d1353642619-cool-water-products-holiday-sale-2516_red-scarf.jpg but with the skull being a kerbal wearing a helmet with the shades up (The thing that covers your eyes from the sun) so you can see a majority of his face and the bones being rockets and the rockets having trails and white background that looks like its waving
  10. Thanks this is great =D I will now restart my mun mission to use this flag!
  11. Cool flag! Could you replace Icarus with ANDRÉ with the accent above the E? And if it isn't too much to ask, could you also please give me one without the text so I can add my own when ever I want. Thanks.
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