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Posts posted by Bessy

  1. can someone upload the dev live streams to youtube for those of us who can watch streamed true 1080p movies over the web but cant even buffer the first 5 min of devs talking with a still img on twitch i mean wtf is it transferring to me is the devs voices taking up 8000+Kb/s or something as i can receive that bit rate when i watch hd films on the net

    i can watch the 4k films on youtube with no problem the buffer moves off ahead of the player very quickly eg every 1s played 4s buffered

    twitch is just bad connection to me i donno why

  2. there is a little solution to have i play an MMORPG call anarchy online you have similar things to action groups for things from casting nanos attacking with spec moves or if your clever creating macro's

    but it has a interface with drag and drop with [1][2][3]etc but it has 10 selectable lists so i can press shift 1 and get a second list that do dif things press 1 to heal then shift 2 then press 1 again but it attacks with a nano etc etc

    1 thing i def would like is timers on things so i have sepatrons that fire on jettison and a second set fire 1 second after like they do in RL

  3. id just love to be able to see and edit action groups in flight .... never really thought about have the command control action groups only so u have to control dif modules to use there command groups

    only 1 issue i have is when i build stations i often only have 1 command mod on the station the rest are undocked deorbited leaving the sol panels etc behind

  4. i tried doing a docking replace once on a SSTO but the SRB's are over kill on docking ports the second you try to steer and theres no turning them things off lol

    cant wait for the ability to stitch new struts wile in orbit with ya kerbals then this would work really well

  5. that ring thing would be cool tho something to avoid

    if they made it using dif density atmospheres in a ring it might make the atmosphere effect eg scatter with non physical rock textures when you hit it your ship would rip apart the re entry effects would make it look awsome too

    might be something worth testing see if the engine can support it .... rather than trying to build rings of rocks that would kill a computer just mod something that already works well a breaking ships and creating nice glowing propertys like the atmosphere

  6. yeah ksp demand is fast ram and as fast as you can get CPU

    i dont see any dif in graphics from my MB on-board GPU and my GTX 570 in 1080p ...the only boost i get is that i can run 16x AAF and 32x CSAA of which would kill my on ~MB GPU

    got a massive increase in frames when i OC my FX8 from 4.2 to 6.0Ghz in active mode it stays under 60*C but i cant seem to keep the game stable on anything higher than that

    i do worry about temp tho as its only 1 core that is maxing in ksp when i build crazy things guess the FX8 is built well

  7. i would love to be able to add a comment on vessels like what you do when planting a flag

    eg its mission because when we have active missions to complete it will be handy to know why somethings out there that doesnt fit into 1 sentence

    Duna lander do not exceed 8m/s head north east to mountain check atmosphere density at highest point launch package probe on night side only 30min power to get a kerbin atmosphere intercept dont forget to deploy shoots before power fail

    doesnt fit very well in the name and if you play like i do when i launched that lander 4 weeks ago RT and my alarm clock just told me it needs seeing too kinder hard to remember that atm i just write it all down on note pad on the desktop would be great to just click info for the probe and it gives me what ever i wrote in there

    would be great to add this to .22 to help with the science part of things just so we remember what we have to do with it once it gets to where its going

  8. hmm il be interested to know if the devs do plan on going to x64bit not for the game memory id like them to keep it under the 4GB default

    but once released build a version in x64bit for us that have loads of ram and a really love our mods and i wouldnt mind paying a little extra for this version if they do decide to go with it as right now i have to pick and choose between mods due to ram limits within the game engine and once they add all the polishing eg graphical extras and new planets all the missions mining etc etc and so on that ram for mods is going to get less and less and every mod i have seems every update to them they add more and more which takes more ram

  9. i pulled that water name change on my mam when i first learnt about naming atoms in secondary school i done the i made your drink even more healthy it has Dihydrogen monoxide in it makes your body work better

    as you can guess she wouldnt even drink it ... tuck me a gd 10 min of convincing her before she believed i wasnt trying to drug her or something even then she still didnt drink it and i went to the tap and said look heres some more Dihydrogen monoxide ... my lil brother tried it on his friends after coming back to ask me how to pronounce it and what it meant after seeing how crazy our mam got at me over it

    shows how much she trusts her 12 yr lol XD that was a fair time ago im 25 now

  10. why would it be hell or right because for ppl not having a clue how to play and need ask how to in the forums well when the game gets to the stage of adding more planets i think the game will be something to hand to a 7 yr old and they will be able to learn how to get anywhere without the need of a forum or outside intervention

    if you want to play multiplayer eg have a group of ppl you can ether keep the default codex eg kerbal 1A | kerbal 1B, 1 | kerbal 1C, 1, 2 | kerbal 1D, 1 | etc etc or have the same name as everyone else for the dif planets

    70% of ppl that play this game probs dont sit in the forums and often dont even call the planets by there names even scott manley messes up and calls kerbin earth and duna mars etc so... does it truly matter about having default set names

    and if they ever deside to have seeds etc that make dif systems will you honestly stick to the default seed ... i know i sure wont be im bord iv been everywhere and seen everything so far in the current system ... to a point where i just mess around wile i wait for a new challenge someone has made up

  11. I personally can't wait for that flow chart to be come reality I dare bet a lot of the ppl who play ksp have plated the x games from egosoft and eve online and that flow chart is simple in comparison to building stuff in those games and u can just make it the same as they do earn respect of other companies and just buy the parts or u can mine collect everything urself and build it all

  12. even then it could be made to lock the object unless movement Eg if something happens to knock a large collection of parts like a base the game could say ok movement physics active on this collection but it means aproaching a large station u get no lag till u start interacting with the docking port then its who cares the game will pull the ship in dock and be done lag or no lag it would be a great improvement for when I'm trying to dock to my 300 part refueling station

    I wouldn't want it to de activate untill all movement was gone tho wobble etc but once its all gone why waste time untill something major changes

  13. na I think no screenshots at all maybe must have camera on ship probe etc and they can take much higher res shots and must be downloaded to mission control from the memory in the probe or anywhere like to a sat in orbit to be transferred later

    when downloaded to mission control they should then be saved to a mission to be viewed in game and zoomable etc there could be missions tied to it like take a picture of jools cloud tops from within its atmosphere a probe drops thru u take a pic and transfer it to the probe in orbits memory bank other data too like atmosphere comp density etc etc for hdd space keeping later u can delete the file but the game keeps a thumbnail of it as proof of it

    must be downloaded to mission control before u can view it tho gives u a bit of work but I'd like to call it fun

    maybe they can be tagged Eg jool cloud etc and then when searching the encyclopedia for jool it gives u all known info on jool and ur pictures

    don't want any light speed delays tho just a dish line of sight will make me happy and will add some fun tp getting pictures and ur data back

  14. iv been wanting this since they added fuel transfer and quoting mods in dev suggestion is pointless we all know they are there and so do the devs so ... like I said

    even if they just added selecting 1 tank and clicking fill and it pulls fuel from all the tanks would be a massive leap so I'm not transfering it 1 by 1 from drop tanks planes flipping out of the sky

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