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Everything posted by Skyro

  1. I think you use the SDK for looking for node coordinates on parts, that way the node_collider properly fits with attachment of other parts, and also, with the node coords, I think you put them in the cfg under the part\'s 'Node Properties'(I have little knowledge of parts, since I make plugins). Hope I helped in some way that you could figure out something.
  2. You could make all of the planets outside the solar system of Kerbol procedural, like Space Engine or something like that, but I bet that would take a while to do, and would take one of the further out updates, like 0.30\'s. I wonder how that would affect how big the scale of KSP is. Of course we would settle out the bugs of interplanetary speeds and such, but I bet we could think to procedural generation of inter-solar planets.
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