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Everything posted by dragonfree97

  1. I don't think he would have needed to fly there to figure that out.
  2. He doesn't fly them out there, I don't think. He uses debug tools to do it (basically a box with options such as 'orbit which body', 'what sma', 'what eccentricity', etc.) so he doesn't have to spend ages designing rockets to test a tiny change to a moon's gravitational pull or something
  3. In fifty years time you'll be telling your grandchildren about how you remember the good ol' days when you couldn't store a fully generated Minecraft world on your mobile phone.
  4. I thought it was floating sixty feet off the side of a mountain Did they fix it?
  5. They should populate the lower Meandan atmosphere with space krakens. It'd be more interesting than just having a certain point where your ship explodes.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/novasilisko?feature=results_main There you go.
  7. I think we may get (if I interpreted what Nova said right) more planets in 0.18.
  8. As a question, would it be more feasible to get your apoapsis to 2.5 million kilometers and circularise? Would you then catch up with or have the planet catch up to you? And the rest of the solar system (Juni, Mandrake, Rutherford, etc.) are coming in 0.18, no?
  9. It's a prominence on Kerbol with a craft about to fly into it.
  10. So does it create an actual eclipse effect? i.e. the whole area goes dark
  11. Are solar eclipses from the surface of Kerbin possible?
  12. I was talking about Nova's old planet idea because someone was talking about the moon being tidally locked or something
  13. There is one of a lander descending through its atmosphere.
  14. There was no Mars-like planet. There was a moon called Egar around Meander (I think). I checked Nova's development album and I didn't see any Evian (isn't that a brand of bottled water?) moons.
  15. At a guess, Jeb's Landing, the chasm near to the North Pole (I think) of the Mún
  16. He said that he didn't really like the idea of having the added burden of dealing with oxygen.
  17. Nova just referred to the purple planet as Eve. Is that a name confirmation, do we think?
  18. I wonder how many planets there will be in the final 1.0 solar system. I hope it's more than 8. EDIT: Also, http://imgur.com/a/2ixXn - Squad released 2 pictures of the new sun model on kurtjmac's FLOBathon part 1 livestream.
  19. It helps if you orient the camera to point into the sky at launch if you get a lot of lag then. I do it and my FPS goes from maybe 5 or 6 to 20+.
  20. You know what would be interesting, if incredibly implausible? A setting in the options to launch in the solar system as opposed to the Kerbol system, all moons, asteroids, planets, etc. intact, scaled down of course.
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