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Everything posted by lukasni

  1. Let's stay calm, all right? To create a subassembly, first switch to the subassembly tab in the parts screen. There's a small rectangle called "Subassembly Drop Zone" at the bottom of the tab. Pick up your subassembly from the build view and drop it in the drop zone. You can now name the subassembly and add a description.
  2. Nothing particularly crazy, I launched a network of 12 tiny communications satellites around Kerbin, another 3 around both Minmus and the Mun. My new save has yet to progress past the Kerbin system, so no interplanetary travel yet.
  3. Take your ship to an orbit that is a bit higher (farther from the sun) than duna's on both PE and AP. Then it's simply a matter of timewarping until Duna catches up with you. If you're feeling adventurous you could also take the orbit even higher to speed up the process. Just remember to brake down to a low enough orbit early enough to let Duna catch you.
  4. Nice to hear that my little script was the spark for this nifty tool. I did in fact finish my tool, as a challenge to myself, but since there didn't seem to be much interest, I never bothered to release it. Since your tool is much more user friendly and does essentially the same thing I'll keep it that way. Thanks for mentioning me in the readme, although not at all necessary it is of course very much appreciated =) One thing I had in my tool was the ability to set the delimiter via a text field, might be worth considering, since some people like to use pipes or other characters for separating their csv's Anyways, thanks for the tool, keep up the good work! -Lukas
  5. Don't you worry, I'm working on something. Just didn't want to post my network without having actually flown the missions. As you said, the actual flights are rather time-consuming, and I don't have too much time to play. I'll be back with better news later though =P
  6. Interesting Challenge. A few questions before I tackle it though: Does the required geosynchronous Satellite have to be exactly above the KSP? Does the network have to be able to support an indefinite number of missions at the same time? And is there any rule against having multiple keostationary satellites?
  7. True, but landing on Mun without proper landing gear is arguably more challenging than doing the same thing on Minmus
  8. Alright, finally got around to finishing the challenge. My Satellite is quite simple. It uses parts from the Probodobodyne pack and Dynasat for the fancy solar panels. In addition to those it carries a custom edited SAS Module from Probodobodyne that acts as an ASAS for the challenge (because I'm lazy). Omnidirectional antennas are used for communicating with mission control. Here is the rescue vehicle on the launchpad. Wilford Kerman was tasked with this mission, since he needs a bit of flight training. Final approach on the MFMS in Orbit. Wilford has been in space just over four days and is a bit worried at the speed we are approaching the satellite. Wilford is repairing the Satellite. Turns out a wire that should be connecting the solar panels to the batteries is attached to the hull instead. An easy fix for Wilford, who recently graduated from the Kerblon Academy of Engineers and Janitors. And finally the flight results. Landed a bit farther away from home than was initially planned, there wasn't quite enough fuel left to finish the de-orbit burn as planned. Still, I think Wilford did an amazing job. After just short off the fifth hour on the fifth day spent on that mission, he is glad to be home. Or reasonably close to home at least.
  9. Well, i've got my satellite all in place, Kerbal is enroute. I'll have to take a 4 hour break while I go crazy with some GuildWars 2 Stress testing though. That first entry by Shadoworgon makes me wonder about this part of the challenge though: If we repair the satellite in Spaca, as in, put a Kerbal next to it, we don't have to show it safely touched down, correct?
  10. This looks interesting, I'll be sure to try that sometime today.
  11. Again, your pictures seem to be broken. EDIT: They seem to be fine now, thanks =)
  12. Well, I finally managed an unpowered landing. Still managed to knock off the engines at the last second thought, but it'll have to do. Here are some screenshots of the flight (I had some more, but the post limit screwed me over): This is after executing the roll program There were still about 2.5k liters of fuel left, but that is probably mostly due to the .16 fuel bug And finally the flight results. Slightly messed up because I loaded a quicksafe just before reentry. As you can see I knocked off the engines on the edge of the runway, if I can be bothered, I'll do another flight and try and get clean results. There is more than enough fuel for a powered landing, but I wanted to glide in.
  13. Well, I came within meters of the runway on a powered landing. Sadly, i managed to bollocks it up with a mad attempt at a final correction to actually put me *on* the runway, instead of 2 meters next to it. Whole thing went to smithereens =P I'll be back with a successful landing tomorrow. Here's the last Screenshot I took, still quite a bit away from the target though. I haven't managed an unpowered landing so far, should that be possible?
  14. I'm aware that it can be done with a scripting language, as I said in my first post, my main incentive for writing this was practicing Java for myself. The advantage of creating this in Java is that it can be used on any platform that supports KSP and it can be used by people that don't want to get their hands on command line tools etc. Just because you can write this in 20 minutes does not mean everyone else can do the same.
  15. Right, using a Service like DynDNS is an option of course, wasn't aware that the Plugin allows the use of a hostname as the target.
  16. Well, you can. I haven't used the plugin, but it transmits the data via TCP or UDP, so you can transmit it via the internet. There are a few problems, however. By default, your friends router will not allow traffic to enter on a port that it does not know, so you'd have to set up port forwarding accordingly. In addition to that, most ISPs don't provide you with a static IP unless you pay extra, so you would have to frequently adjust the IP the data is transmitted to.
  17. What, via the internet? It's doable, but it requires specific settings in both of your routers, so I wouldn't attempt that unless you know what you are doing.
  18. Well, it doesn't really get any nicer than CSV in my opinion, just paste it into Excel and you've got it ordered nicely into columns. It's got the advantage that it can very easily be supported on any platform. I guess I could also display it as a table if I create a GUI for the program, but I don't know if that would be of any use to anyone, since it's harder to get into another program than the clear text file.
  19. Touchdown confirmed =) EDIT: Damn, Cooly, yer fast.
  20. I am in the process of creating a small Java program that will generate a CSV-File with all installed Parts by reading the Parts subdir in the KSP directory. I'm doing this mostly as a practice project for myself and because I'm to lazy to keep my delta-V spreadsheet updated. I thought i'd post an example output here to see if anyone would be interested in the program. If there is some interest I might flesh it out a bit more, maybe add a GUI for selecting the desired values or what ever else people might be interested in. Here is some example output in the current form, required values can be changed very easily. Part Full Mass Dry Mass vac Isp Thrust Advanced S.A.S Module 0.8 0.8 FL-T32 Fuel Tank 18 2 FL-T16 Fuel Tank 9 1 FL-T200 Fuel Tank 1.125 0.125 LV-909 Liquid Engine 0.5 0.5 400 20 I also added an example generated File as an attachment so you can check it out in the spreadsheet application of your choice.
  21. I'm still learning KSP Forum etiquette, so allow me to ask: The "m word" that has something to do with players should be used with a lot of caution, did I get that right?
  22. Bill Kerman watching the Sunrise Sunset on Minmus (he\'s standing on the roof of the outhouse, in case you were wondering :-P )
  23. Well, I was delivering new Fuel, Food and Crew to my Minmus base. Everything was going smooth, but I touched down almost 400m away from the main base. To save my Kerbals the long walk, I decided to move the lander a bit closer to the base. Alas, I had lost my RCS-Tanks to a freak accident while getting into orbit, so I had to rely on the main Engine. Not something I am excessively good at. As was to be expected, I fudged it up and the Lander ended up lying on the methane upside down. But this is when it got interesting. The command pod got knocked off while the engine was still running, with lots of fuel left. After some careful nudging c/o Jebediah Kerman, I ended up with my new Minmus Communications Array 8) Screenshots: EDIT: I\'m not sure if this is the right forum for it, seemed like the most appropriate one.
  24. That\'s what it is There are quite a few hidden secrets both on the Mün and on Kerbin.
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