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Posts posted by B787_300

  1. hey r4, i love the mod, but it likes to collapse the stages up to the next decoupler, this is a bit of a pain when i have a rocket that i have a set of engines that i want to activate at 30000m with out having them lit on the pad and not before a decoupler, mechjeb automatically starts them up and collapses all stages to the nearest decoupler. I would lose a way to remove this feature.

  2. Okay im getting a little bit annoyed, when i turn on SmartASS there is no reason for mechjeb to go through my carefully set up staging and stage through it. this happened in 1.9.8 too, i have rockets whose desin relies on special staging and mechjeb decides that it wants everything nice and compact, and procedes to collapse all stages before a decoupler, this means i can choose to have engines that i turn on at say 30000m that dont fire on the pad. It is very annoying and i would love a fix to this problem

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