Really looking forward to new planets. I'm rather hoping we have some way of transferring fuel in orbit so that my interplanetary craft with landers don't have to be giant. I've been experimenting a bit and doing an orbital transfer, landing on a reasonably sized body, and then getting home is going to take a lot of fuel. I guess another option is a way to add empty (or rather, not full) capsules, which should allow us to send two craft then EVA across so we don't have to return the lander to get our little green men back home. I've also been practising some Mun slingshots - can save quite a bit of fuel if you get it right which is going to be quite useful. Trying to work out if there's a reliable way to get a double slingshot. Pretty sure I read that an back-end change would be needed to allow them to add new planets. It's often the way with game dev in my experience. First you get something that works without worrying hugely about making it generic, then you make it generic so you can extend it. This is much more so if you're going to be releasing early "test" versions. Hopefully old craft files will be compatible - I've just got my SSTO spaceplane working! I guess it won't take too long to manually transfer it.