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Everything posted by opticalshadow

  1. pretty much going to send a ship there and see what happens. kerbal scientific method 101 trial/error
  2. heres a complicated one build a water based vessle/platform capable of launching an orbit capable craft. bonus points, create the platform/ship, and the orbit craft sepreatly, and land the craft on the platform before orbiting. bounus point 2, instead of orbital, make the craft able to leave the platform, make it to mun/minmus, then return, landing back on the platfom. bonus furture point, build a device that will be able to take the platform to the upcoming water world, where you can then attempt the previous challenges. good luck. o7
  3. i have no issue with using multiple roaver bodies from tosh's cart mod, wheels retrack when in water never breaks up.
  4. i dont see the problem really, you just need to add a stage after your orbit stage for landing, then either make it take off worthy, or make it detachable like apollo was. the ship will be rather big but i dont see it being a large issue.
  5. i want a planet with a ring! also with the space kraken dead, i would love an easter egg to remember it by, something that in years downt he raod when noone remembers it, theres still a sign. maybe a star constalation, or perhaps some sort of planet out there we can land on, and similure to the monoliths, there be some sort of shrine to it. idk, but it seemed to become a pretty big part of the community, and id hate to see an era of developement lost in time.
  6. i think games can indeed last forever. im still playing games from dacades ago, i know alot of my friends do aswell. i think their mainstream appeal will die, i think even most cult fans will wash away. but some games will be played forever and ever. the key to it is, the devs. games have a commercial life span, after a point, unless teh devs never leave the game alone and update it forever and more, there needs to be a space where the devs know the game isnt making them money, they release it to the fans, let the fans make the game into something more. there are games still played today because of this open source mindset, there are some older games that are hacked, and teh devs just let it go, because their not making money off a game from the 80's, but the fans keep it alive. KSP can do this, and squad can do alot to plan for it. open source helps when the time comes where teh game stops making money and theres nothing left to achomplish. that time could be years, it could be decades. but KSP doesnt have any real genre compition, it has the ability to set a standard. if it can become a commercial sucess (akin to minecraft) it will always be known as the game that started it all (even if it didnt) and that will help preserve it.
  7. the bigger question might be what you want the game to do, diffrent engines work better/difficultly with diffrent projects. threes also more resources for certian projects with some engines.
  8. as far as first person, the next patch will be introducing the early stages of it, we may eventually gain more naivigation tools there. some people have been able to do the math before launch and navigate soly by procedure after ignition without using the map, but they spent more time on the math then using the map would have ever taken so its preference at best.
  9. at first i imagine it will be mostly first person cockpit view for flight. but the devs are not hard limited by anything, they can do whatever they want. its possible we will get IVA moduals that allow walking though, it might make ship design harder, but more rewarding.
  10. there is so much on your screen, it scares me, its like id need a degree on your itnerface to read it right. kinda reminds me of old school EQ
  11. the way i do it, is at 2k (actually a bit higher) i make sure to ber at no more then 50 m/s, and i try to drop to 30 as soon as i can (though with my paranoid nature im at 30 by 3k) i try to keep between 20-30 until i can see my shadow, then a quick burst down to 3-5 and smooth landing. if its dark and ic ant see anything, ill stay at around 10. it takes forever, but its never turned out well when i rushed.
  12. sometimes we like having conspiracy's guess ill have to return my tin foil...
  13. i havent even tried aerobreaking yet, i really need to, eventually i feel it might be a requirement for certian ship designs, when atmospheric effects are added.
  14. yeah helps alot, as far as landing goes, i generally ignore the altimiter after about 2k meters, by that point i make sure im no more then 50 m/s and ill go down to 30 and stay there ntil i land, even if it takes 15 minutes or so. ive rushed to many times and it never worked out, i learnt really fast, that even when i know what im doing, the second i get cocky, things tend to go all kerbal on me.
  15. oddly enough, getting into minmums orbit, and landing on it, took me less time, and is still today far easier for me, then going to mun. no idea.
  16. cant you fast forward past the night to the sun?
  17. they dont, but they do have enough to meet up with a orbiting craft, you could put a craft into orbit either useing a three person pod and remove the kerbals before hand or with a second ship, or download the empty crew pods mod. then put the craft into orbit, and if you botch a mission landing, and dont happen to use saves and laods (i dont) then you can atleast keep your kerbals safe...assumeing your good with kerbal RCS.
  18. the best way for descent IMO is to work on killing your horizontal speed first, once you get a stright drop its quite easy to just keep the nav ball centered adn drop at a safe speed.
  19. i use the telo legs simply because you can design the rockets easily enough with them to be self righting, adding some nose rcs helps with this alot.
  20. Not 100% i know what your problem is, but off hand it seems like it can be solved by adjusting your staging.
  21. might be fun if we could find some elastic to see if we can sling shot a kerbal from the mun to kerbin though...
  22. i know they look way more cool, so thats got to count for something.
  23. thats how my first moon landing went, hes still up there actually, ive deployed 2 more ships to the mun, one my new lander (which one made it to minmum) and my rover, the rover will try to find teh location of the crash site, so that a third rescue ship can be sent.
  24. true, but ill agree, after a certian size alto of information becomes hard to find and things get buried. that said, in this thread the OP should have linked any and all posts of importence, or at the very least copied and credidted, otherwise this thread wont achplish anything.
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