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Grand Lander

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Everything posted by Grand Lander

  1. We all where newbs at one stage at landing on the Mun untill i got the soyuz mod which made me understand how to land without horizontal speed
  2. Just a Mission for him using Lions head Aerospace Mod
  3. Im stuck in the camera veiw and dont know how to get out of it!
  4. Ah dam ills going to take control but i though it would make it lose power faster and dropp plus before landing i was looking for the panic button lol Failed.
  5. That is Definitely minimus for sure you can see in day sky easly from kerbin =D
  6. So i knocked over my rocket and i need help to flip it back vertical from horizontal any ideas? i hit it with my other craf. Curse you mechjeb!
  7. Okay so when i want to land at a rocket on the mun or minumus i use mechjeb and use the co-ordinates and every time the degrees would be of by a bit but this time it was dead accurate is this is what happened! Here come a rescue mission with a habitat.
  8. And ive also seen a rolling helmet in the background!
  9. Will we be able to parachute onto one of the planets surfarce with a parachute that will be added in the game? Will we be able to parachute down onto a lunar surfare is my overall question. =)
  10. why does everyone think you need big rockets a fuel just to get some where i can get there on a small rocket
  11. hahaha told you aerosdynamics is the key
  12. um this a thingy post f enter your text here or thingy things hahaha
  13. o with the picture take a screenshot using F1 and unlock your task bar so it out of your way by click and dragging to side after unlocking if you like.
  14. Its funny casue when i was orbiting mun i though it was a aline structure thats when i join the foums and my first post under i suggest aliens.
  15. Thanks MrPwner seems you learn something new everyday. But how you do spoiler tag?
  16. Hay that rhymes. i smash your 10m. Do i Win?
  17. ill'd like to test these new designs i mostly good at making basic rockets that get to minmus and the mun using mechjeb. Im in!
  18. Why does everyone think you need lots of fuel and rockets ive made a speical type of craft that has a medium payload but this is my secret design.
  19. Yer i dont know how to put as a full image like other posts
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