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Grand Lander

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Everything posted by Grand Lander

  1. Waht keys do you use to turn on,off the lights???? for aviation pack?
  2. A small Project i wanted to do. Say hello to the rag dolls you never realise until you kill them in the name of science. By Grand Lander!!!!!!!!
  3. Ha there link to the download page is the ksp forum home page!
  4. Is that why i say a black thing in the ground when i was driving wow
  5. What do these black monliths look like you got a screen shot or link
  6. I dont see why there is these munar arch on the mun, is the a point or meaning why?
  7. You can change the settings of your Eva thrusters by pressing crtl,shift,alt,D. i think thats the mixture.
  8. I designed a spitfire like plane in kerbal and it handled really well, using damned aerospace add on.
  9. ive been looking all over the forums and add-on sections but i cant find the mod i saw it the other day could some give me a link.
  10. Is there an updated version of soyuz for 0.16 i just like his mod and miss it.
  11. Get into a verrtical landing orbit on the mun but EVA out and land without the ship i know it sound weird.
  12. Received an error on this page.
  13. Could someone give me a link or something to the Mumech.hullcam plugin, ive been searching for half an hour with no luck.
  14. Hey what? What you mean?

  15. o wow i must be blind karolus10: Not anymore, topic moved to How-To.
  16. Wow what a nice environment im in Post locked
  17. nvm drop this back to the space at hand
  18. Logically you have a little more on front then back in real planes but mostly balanced okay thanks didnt know WASD turn parts tHanks
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